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I have had the TSP for about4 Years, Never realy paid attention to it till now, I have 100 % Aloc in The S Fund and G Fund 0% HAve close to 12 k , Noticed that The S fund started about 12 and now runs about 14.00 and Change. I have 36 years to retire, the USPS Matches for every 50.00 + 1% every 2 weeks I put in 50.00 the PO puts in 65.00 Thats = 100 Me - USPS 130 an month, My Question is that Should I leave it that way or should I move some funds in another FUnd, I like The C fund but notice That sometimes The S does better and Anyone cangive mean estimate much will I have when I retire leaving The 12 k plus The 2760.00 A year for 36 years including an Estimate on the Returns in S fund s Thanks THE MAILMAN
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Welcome MM:)

It really boils down to your risk tolerance. By being 100S, that tells me that you are rather risky, and will simply shrug off any losses.

Is this your intention? If not, you may want to diversify a bit.

Are you a "buy & holder"? Or do you intend to make transfers regularly?

The following is a prettyconservative buy & hold allocation when you don't have the patience or nerveto track the markets:




With your payday money going into (G), then you can simply move that into eitherC,S,I when the opportunity presents itself: a good low-buying oportunity.

I hope this helps.

God Bless:^
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Since The post office pays in more then me, Im not afrraid of a loss , and understand the risk .But also before I changed the alloction to the S fund, The Po had it set to 100 % into the G fund, I have about $4800 in that fund with no alocations In that Fund and just sits there , Should I hold on to that or transfer the g funds into the Other Types of funds?
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Hey Mailman,

Welcome. Basically what Rod is saying is:

If you want to park the money and leave it awhile then have all you current money (including that in the G fund) going to his recommended allocation of

S 40%

C 40%

I 20%

and have all NEW money (the money you and the PO puts in)go to G at first, and then find the proper time (when there is a pullback/lowpoint in the market) place it in the above allocation. Is that right, Rod? I hope this helps
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jgpalmerdds wrote:
Hey Mailman,

Welcome. Basically what Rod is saying is:

If you want to park the money and leave it awhile then have all you current money (including that in the G fund) going to his recommended allocation of

S 40%

C 40%

I 20%

and have all NEW money (the money you and the PO puts in)go to G at first, and then find the proper time (when there is a pullback/lowpoint in the market) place it in the above allocation. Is that right, Rod? I hope this helps

Pretty much sums it up. But of course, my allocation is only an example of what I would do if I were a buy & holder. I'm not saying that this is what the allocation should be. Only an example.
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That's right.

Small disclaimer:

This is not to be construed as investment advice, just our opinion. Please read your prospectus carefully before investing.

Sorry Rod
