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I have had the TSP for about4 Years, Never realy paid attention to it till now, I have 100 % Aloc in The S Fund and G Fund 0% HAve close to 12 k , Noticed that The S fund started about 12 and now runs about 14.00 and Change. I have 36 years to retire, the USPS Matches for every 50.00 + 1% every 2 weeks I put in 50.00 the PO puts in 65.00 Thats = 100 Me - USPS 130 an month, My Question is that Should I leave it that way or should I move some funds in another FUnd, I like The C fund but notice That sometimes The S does better and Anyone cangive mean estimate much will I have when I retire leaving The 12 k plus The 2760.00 A year for 36 years including an Estimate on the Returns in S fund s Thanks THE MAILMAN
I have had the TSP for about4 Years, Never realy paid attention to it till now, I have 100 % Aloc in The S Fund and G Fund 0% HAve close to 12 k , Noticed that The S fund started about 12 and now runs about 14.00 and Change. I have 36 years to retire, the USPS Matches for every 50.00 + 1% every 2 weeks I put in 50.00 the PO puts in 65.00 Thats = 100 Me - USPS 130 an month, My Question is that Should I leave it that way or should I move some funds in another FUnd, I like The C fund but notice That sometimes The S does better and Anyone cangive mean estimate much will I have when I retire leaving The 12 k plus The 2760.00 A year for 36 years including an Estimate on the Returns in S fund s Thanks THE MAILMAN