s fund

imported post

I was wondering if anyone can help me with the tracking of the s fund. I know the c fund is the s&p 500 and i watch that daily. But is the dow the measuring tool for the s fund? if not, then what do I watch and where do i find it? thanks.
imported post

I'm not sure why those Yahoo! quote links don't translate very well here on the board. You can cut and paste this link into your browser.


I am still looking for a free quote service that can give me the Wilshire 4500 quote as we had before. For some reason BarChart.com, who I use currently, dropped that quote.

If I ever start making money on this site ;), I will buy quotes for the S&P 500 and Dow and post it on the site. Right now theasking price is~ $1200 a yeareach for thosesquotes. The Nasdaq, NYSE, EAFE Wilshire are free. They dropped the Wilshire 4500 so now I added the Russell 2000 as a small cap quide. However you can still use the link I put on every page to get those quotes "TSP fund index quotes".
