[FONT="]Welcome to the world of Mike finances[/FONT]
[FONT="]Seem to have lost Understanding #1 and #2 somewhere....[/FONT]
[FONT="] [FONT="]Seem to have lost Understanding #1 and #2 somewhere....[/FONT]
Understanding #3: Not going to try to purposely develop a pattern
Understanding #4: Play for small advances, money is not final the goal, but the earnings amount equal something else of value I wish to acquire, or have paid for in the future by the trade. I'm a materialist.
Understanding #5: You're reading the babblings of a poor civil servant, within whom is still the desire to improve his after service life, even if only by small amounts.
So we are going to start off with my last couple of IFT's, and forget how I got there, until I get caught back up following the news and paying attention to Bloomberg ladies and their guest.
The fund amounts of the IFT's will be pulled right off the TSP site until I start a spread sheet that works in percentages and gains/loss without the account balance.
Hope that's ok, and it will let eveyone know just how poor I really am

So right after that last little romp, I figured that with the two markets being so close, an IFT back into I F C was a no brainer at that cost, being nothing really occurred after the last rate cut. If either would have dropped, F should have grown. The way I was going to end, and didn't look like C would drop much, not much of a chance of a -FV, and even if there was, F should gain a few pennies. Something like that anyway, it's been a few days.
[/FONT][FONT="] 1/29/08
(after looking at this, I'm cutting out G and Total so all that will appear will be what is in the I C F funds).
F FUND $12.14 0.0000 $0.00 0% 1,027.0239 $12,468.07 5%
C FUND $15.38 0.0000 $0.00 0% 810.6677 $12,468.07 5%
I FUND $22.44 0.0000 $0.00 0% 555.6181 $12,468.07 5%
Then a few days later it looked like the I was going to keep pace with C, a few more pennies, but instead of no FV, I was given a little bonus after I made the IFT. I'm happy there, and yesterday was not too scary, but outlook tonight on futures, S&P just hovering below green could go either way in the morning. I is a bit lower, seeming keeping a -FVC from screwing things up, but a couple of pennies could be lost just like last night. I'll set tight in the morning unless something looks really off, but finger is on the button every morning if it looks like a huge -FVC is in the works.
When I did the move below, I put C into I and left F alone. I came out ahead according to Mikes math, but the question is, will I be able to hang onto it. Instead of using the C funds to "pay" for my teeth cleaning, invested into more I fund with a couple of bucks left over, for now.
F FUND $12.16 1,027.0239 $12,488.61 5% 1,028.6045 $12,507.83 5%
C FUND $15.76 810.6677 $12,776.12 5% 0.0000 $0.00 0%
S FUND $18.97 0.0000 $0.00 0% 0.0000 $0.00 0%
I FUND $22.97 555.6181 $12,762.54 5% 1,089.0587 $25,015.67 10%
Hold 2/4/08
12.32 12.15 15.59 18.82 22.94
I'll hold another day for only a few pennies loss, but if those nickels start to come off,
back to G F for a bit just to be sure.
Won't promise this will get a professional look to it, but will try to clean it up once going. I'll also read others to pick up on a better format. But it's late, and 8am comes early.
Thanks for not laughing too hard
