return on ranking/my records don't match

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Well-known member

Something has changed; and now the return shown in the "ranking", doesn't match the return shown in "my records" for the same day anymore. Its a smaller difference for me, but for some other members, like B42, -it's huge (~3.17% in the ranking, and 1.40% in the my records).

Please consider and fix as appropriate.

Something has changed; and now the return shown in the "ranking", doesn't match the return shown in "my records" for the same day anymore. Its a smaller difference for me, but for some other members, like B42, -it's huge (~3.17% in the ranking, and 1.40% in the my records).

Please consider and fix as appropriate.
I'm not sure where you are seeing 1.40% for B42. Am I looking at the wrong pages?

From "Ranking"

From "My Daily Returns"...

From "Ranking"

From "My Daily Returns"...

Does anyone see a problem in their account? Please show screen shots and/or links to the pages you are viewing.

Oh crap:

I meant to say the return on "member records", and the ranking, don't match. And they still don't. I'm no computer wizzzz, so I'll try to paste a few examples.

a) Me (Amoeba) - today I am showing in the ranking as 0.83% YTD return.

But If I look on member records (which lists me in alphabetical order), it says this

#DateBalance in $Returns in %

See? that's different

b) now let's look at B42, he just took it in the shortz today, and is #20 ranked at 1.97% in the rankings; but in the member records, this appears:

Member: B42
#DateBalance in $Returns in %12010-01-2810328.250.2322010-01-2710449.191.4032010-01-2610448.231.3942010-01-2510447.201.3852010-01-2210444.181.35

again, different. ALOT different.
Thanks amoeba! I didn't even know about that page. I'll make the same changes to it as I did to the others.
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