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Should we start a thread were folks can go to discuss religion and pray for each other? I personally don't feel this is the place for it. Although this site is not govt. affiliated, it is here for govt. folks or retired govt. folks. Govt. employees are a very diverse group. Remember "diversity training"? We all have our own beliefs and customs and many worship a different God or maybe none at all.
That is why I don't believe this is the proper place to be bringing up religion. However, if Tom would like to start a thread where folks can go to talk religion, more power to em. Otherwise, it may be best to only post in your own account thread, if you have one.
I just feel it's a conflict of interest. We're here to help each other make money, not get saved.
Just my opinion. Guess I'm going to Hell now...............Oh well, my grandparents never went to Church anda girl I once dated, a Gospel singer, told they were going to Hell because they didn't go to Church. Guess I'll have good company.
Oh by the way, she's a lesbian now, she said "God made her that way", so no, it wasn't my fault!
Should we start a thread were folks can go to discuss religion and pray for each other? I personally don't feel this is the place for it. Although this site is not govt. affiliated, it is here for govt. folks or retired govt. folks. Govt. employees are a very diverse group. Remember "diversity training"? We all have our own beliefs and customs and many worship a different God or maybe none at all.
That is why I don't believe this is the proper place to be bringing up religion. However, if Tom would like to start a thread where folks can go to talk religion, more power to em. Otherwise, it may be best to only post in your own account thread, if you have one.
I just feel it's a conflict of interest. We're here to help each other make money, not get saved.
Just my opinion. Guess I'm going to Hell now...............Oh well, my grandparents never went to Church anda girl I once dated, a Gospel singer, told they were going to Hell because they didn't go to Church. Guess I'll have good company.
Oh by the way, she's a lesbian now, she said "God made her that way", so no, it wasn't my fault!
