Pschiffdicpal's Account Talk

52 bad banks in 2009


Bank regulators Thursday shut down seven banks, bringing the total number of failed U.S. banks and savings and loans during 2009 to 52.

This was the largest number of bank failures in one week during the 2008-2009 banking crisis, exceeding the previous record of five bank failures set just last week.

All of the failed banks were included in's recent list of 89 undercapitalized banks and thrifts. The same was true of all five banks that failed last week.

In an unusual twist, six of Thursday's seven failed banks were headquartered in Illinois, and all six were subsidiaries of holding companies privately controlled by the Campbell Group, through what FDIC spokesman David Barr described as "fairly complex layers of ownership."

All six of the failed Illinois banks followed similar business strategies, with heavy concentrations in collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs), commercial real estate loans and other commercial and industrial loans. All six saw their capital wiped out from losses on the CMOs, some of which were in default, as well as loan losses.
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

And least we forget who was responsible for all these problems. Primarily the minority at risk population who had mortgages with no money down.
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

And least we forget who was responsible for all these problems. Primarily the minority at risk population who had mortgages with no money down.

Close my wise solid brother ...

The 'Responsible' for all these problems are the few and mighty who engineered the plan that made these Loans come into being and spread with increasingly popularity.

Think of it Birch - if you and I started off with $5M and had various people at the Overpasses with the Murals (where you live) and gave $1,000 to every person who could ony afford to pay $10 back...:D:nuts:
and somehow we were guaranteed to wind up with $5M a piece.

That would be hard for me to resist - and all the more knowing I'm helping you make $2.5M with the most lame brain idea imaginable.
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

Don't know if I welcomed you so, welcome! Thank for the Pete video's.
Plunge Protection Team

Proprietary Program Used To Manipulate Markets Stolen From Goldman ...
American Chronicle - Beverly Hills,CA,USA
Executive Order 12631 created the "Plunge Protection Team," a working group
that was designed to keep the markets operating in the event of a sudden
plunge ...
See all stories on this topic:

Russkis and the FBI got love it.:laugh:
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk


There Ain't No Money...
Now ain't the time to increase benefits...

My guess is that 2010 will not be a good year for gubmint men and women like us. Looks like the politicians are gazing our way - and, our reputation (really unearned) now is of a bunch of union activists who grub for ever increasing benefits.

Oil companies, cigarette companies, purveyors of pills, or gubmint bureaucrats.

Don't know who will get more negative press in a time of decreasing wages...
Just made 100 on the tracker

gone from 192 to 100 in less than 70 days my PIP should be and over 20% on the tsp looks like TSP IS checking us out. Hope all have noticed at the bottom of the funds page (TSP.GOV) is will now give a percentage earned and/or lost for calendar year.

To protect the big gains I will use the investor business daily of 8% down and get out strategy. On C fund the retest of 879 was on 10 July was a retest for late June lows so if you made your move on or about 10 July, you have seen and 9 to 11% increase. I feel this up move will continue through mid aug 09, it may show that same trend, has after earning completed in late may 09, big investor got nervous and took some money off the table and slowed buying which slow this up trend, now more information is out and buying is back, in moderation, Question is…. Buying vol bigger now 2Q, then after the first Q earnings? If it is then that would indicate to me building confidence, but then again in what markets?

Thanks for the kind words Bman
It would actually be more fun if our gloom and doomers would come out of their dark caves and take their beatings. But all is quiet. The Tokyo drift is at work and the slide is on.
It's another way of saying the lily padders are drifting to the bottom of the tracker. It's a take off on the movie "Tokyo Drift" where cars slide around corners.
Re: Just made 100 on the tracker

gone from 192 to 100 in less than 70 days my PIP should be and over 20% on the tsp looks like TSP IS checking us out. Hope all have noticed at the bottom of the funds page (TSP.GOV) is will now give a percentage earned and/or lost for calendar year.

To protect the big gains I will use the investor business daily of 8% down and get out strategy. On C fund the retest of 879 was on 10 July was a retest for late June lows so if you made your move on or about 10 July, you have seen and 9 to 11% increase. I feel this up move will continue through mid aug 09, it may show that same trend, has after earning completed in late may 09, big investor got nervous and took some money off the table and slowed buying which slow this up trend, now more information is out and buying is back, in moderation, Question is…. Buying vol bigger now 2Q, then after the first Q earnings? If it is then that would indicate to me building confidence, but then again in what markets?

Thanks for the kind words Bman

WELL my mid aug prediction was on target Im by by for the short term Im not waiting for the 8% drop.:o