Pschiffdicpal's Account Talk

Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

Oh boy,

What a day, such good good good new with the unemployment # BUT no huge up swing.... What going on?????? Monday Biggest Company everrrrr..... goes bankrupt........ market go's on tear up...Consumer spending is coming back allegedly? Green shoots abounding?? Nothing today??

NO PPT today, Guess they though all the dumb money would just go hog wild..thinking!!!!!!!.... I m late.... I must invest........ miss the up swing oooohhhhh

No one seems to be buying it...the buy it now before you miss motra... CNBC is losing its touch..Sad maybe Marie and ms quick can work the striper poll...symbolizing how we all got stripped in last years (2000,2004 2008) market

I did buy today 20% in I fund......Bman Buy I and go high..... keep. C....... your going to your knees> me and the rest of the I funders will be at the top, SPX has a fake ferd.

Snorting I :=IIIIIIIIIIIII$$$$$$$$$$$$$$:cool:
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

Seeing the board, there is allot of info being posted about negative sentiments? "like there ever was" any "positive info", at least not since the 700b was passed in march 09. Now the slow disbursement of these fund into the eCON0mey is now getting evaluated for effect, since most of the initial funds are/have gone/ going to financials and such, little is going to sectors Manufacturing, R & D. this MONEY IS TO solve pastt problem not future issues.

Once this is Seen (the true effect of stimulus/new market Policys) the Markets (investors) will react in line with that information, the speculation markets are the only one that are making any :rolleyes:gains with short term info.
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

In a little deeper I see - that must feel refreshing on the ankles. It won't be long and you'll have more I fund than Ferdinand.
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

Yes, Bman and using your buy low stratage alittle at a time on the dips:p the over seas markets are safer;) now all WE have to worry:worried: about is confiscation, Argentina just nationalized all retirement account is this in our future???:sick:
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

Has of Monday Pschiffdicpal will be in I fund 50%, the trend in Oil is up, Also gold futures for Aug 09 futures trade are trending at above a 1000 $. This is a signal to me the us dollar is going to be down... considerably ... and that quintative easing is not working.

Has the dollars continues to lose its value (Fed interference) the I fund will make big gains .

Unfortunately till the our country (US) rebuilds a quality manufacturing base, we will only be bit players in the coming boom up in emerging markets, the bankers and insider will make money, If we want to make some coin foreign etf or rock-solid international companies with key organization controls will stay solid. Oh and It aint the new Fiat car company or GMgov motors.:sick:
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

Tres auctions...... all our money is reduced in value every time A auction is performed, is anyone seeing this?????.....tooo......:confused:
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

Many believe, including Denninger, that the dollar will actually RISE. I happen to believe that this inflation trade rally is way too premature. Way WAY too premature. Because, when it comes down to it, the US Dollar will always remain relatively strong compared to the rest of the world as a safe haven.
Re: Pschiffdicpal tracker packer account talk

Check out this video:)

Please watch Hyperinflation Nation immediately and spread the word to your friends and family!

We spent hundreds of hours making the documentary and would love to hear what you think! Your thoughts and comments would be appreciated!