Predictions for the future:


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Predictions for the future:

The year is 2029-----

Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh
largest country in the world, Mexifornia formally known as
California. White minorities still trying to have English
recognized as Mexifornia's third language.

Spotted Owl plague threatens northwestern United States crops and

Baby conceived naturally . . . scientists stumped.

Couple petitions court to reinstate heterosexual marriage.

Last remaining Fundamentalist Muslim dies in the American Territory
of the Middle East (formerly known as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria and

Iraq still closed off; physicists estimate it will take at least 10
more years before radioactivity decreases to safe levels.

France pleads for global help after being overtaken by Jamaica.

Castro finally dies at age 112; Cuban cigars can now be imported
legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all smoking.

George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.

Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89 and
reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.

85-year, $75.8 billion study: Diet and Exercise is the key to weight

Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.

Japanese scientists have created a camera with such a fast shutter
speed, they now can photograph a woman with her mouth shut.

Massachusetts executes last remaining conservative.

Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals violates their civil

The average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.

New federal law requires that all nail clippers, screwdrivers, fly
swatters and rolled-up newspapers must be registered by January

Congress authorizes direct deposit of formerly illegal political
contributions to campaign accounts.

Capitol Hill intern indicted for refusing to have sex with

IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.

Florida Democrats still don't know how to use a voting machine

*******short the CAC and go long in the jamacian market:P...LMAO

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When I clicked on "PREDICTIONS FOR THE FUTURE" I must admit I was thinking of something quite different.
That, my friend, was worth logging on for! thanks.
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Speaking of predictions......

Anyone want to guess how the election in Iraq will affect the market?
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haha cowboy

My unqualified guess is that it will have a positive impact, if anything, if it goes well...a sense of completion and moving forward and all.

MyMagic 8-Ball says the election will "most likely" make the market go up.
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When the US leaves Iraq, the markets will rally big time.
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Rolo wrote:
saraho wrote:
When the US leaves Iraq, the markets will rally big time.
Or when the media stops covering it, whichever comes first.
No dear. The markets are composed of bulls and bears, not ostriches. What I meant was thatwhen the US stops spending money on Iraq, our deficit will start to reduce and the markets will rally.
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CIA report: American global dominance could end in 15 years.
By Fred Kaplan
Posted Wednesday, Jan. 26, 2005, at 2:48 PM PT

Who will be the first politician brave enough to declare publicly that the United States is a declining power and that America's leaders must urgently discuss what to do about it? This prognosis of decline comes not (or not only) from leftist scribes rooting for imperialism's downfall, but from the National Intelligence Council—the "center of strategic thinking" inside the U.S. intelligence community.

The NIC's conclusions are starkly presented in a new 119-page document, "Mapping the Global Future: Report of the National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project." It is unclassified and available on the CIA's Web site. The report has received modest press attention the past couple weeks, mainly for its prediction that, in the year 2020, "political Islam" will still be "a potent force." Only a few stories or columns have taken note of its central conclusion:

The likely emergence of China and India ... as new major global players—similar to the advent of a united Germany in the 19th century and a powerful United States in the early 20th century—will transform the geopolitical landscape with impacts potentially as dramatic as those in the previous two centuries.

In this new world, a mere 15 years away, the United States will remain "an important shaper of the international order"—probably the single most powerful country—but its "relative power position" will have "eroded." The new "arriviste powers"—not only China and India, but also Brazil, Indonesia, and perhaps others—will accelerate this erosion by pursuing "strategies designed to exclude or isolate the United States" in order to "force or cajole" us into playing by their rules.

America's current foreign policy is encouraging this trend, the NIC concluded. "U.S. preoccupation with the war on terrorism is largely irrelevant to the security concerns of most Asians," the report states. The authors don't dismiss the importance of the terror war—far from it. But they do write that a "key question" for the future of America's power and influence is whether U.S. policy-makers "can offer Asian states an appealing vision of regional security and order that will rival and perhaps exceed that offered by China." If not, "U.S. disengagement from what matters to U.S. Asian allies would increase the likelihood that they will climb on Beijing's bandwagon and allow China to create its own regional security that excludes the United States."

To the extent that these new powers seek others to emulate, they may look to the European Union, not the United States, as "a model of global and regional governance."

This shift to a multipolar world "will not be painless," the report goes on, "and will hit the middle classes of the developed world in particular" with further outsourcing of jobs and outflow of capital investment. In short, the NIC's forecast involves not merely a recalibration in the balance of world power, but also—as these things do—a loss of wealth, income, and, in every sense of the word, security.

The trends should already be apparent to anyone who reads a newspaper. Not a day goes by without another story about how we're mortgaging our future to the central banks of China and Japan. The U.S. budget deficit, approaching a half-trillion dollars, is financed by their purchase of Treasury notes. The U.S. trade deficit—much of it amassed by the purchase of Chinese-made goods—now exceeds $3 trillion. Meanwhile, China is displacing the United States all across Asia—in trade, investment, education, culture, and tourism. It's also cutting into the trade markets of Latin America. (China is now Chile's No. 1 export market and Brazil's No. 2 trade partner.) Asian engineering students who might once have gone to MIT or Cal Tech are now going to universities in Beijing.

Meanwhile, as the European Union becomes a coherent entity, the dollar's value against the euro has fallen by one-third in the past two years (one-eighth just since September). As the dollar's rate of return declines, currency investors—including those who have been financing our deficit—begin to diversify their holdings. In China, Japan, Russia, and the Middle East, central bankers have been unloading dollars in favor of euros. The Bush policies that have deepened our debt have endangered the dollar's status as the world's reserve currency.

What is the Bush administration doing to alter course or at least cushion the blow? It's hard to say. During Condoleezza Rice's confirmation hearings last week, Sen. Paul Sarbanes, D–Md., raised some questions about the nexus between international economics and political power. Rice referred him to the secretary of the treasury.

The NIC issued the report a few weeks before Bush’s inaugural address, but it serves to dump still more cold water on the lofty fantasy of America delivering freedom to oppressed people everywhere. In Asia, the report states, "present and future leaders are agnostic on the issue of democracy and are more interested in developing what they perceive to be the most effective model of governance." If the president really wanted to spread freedom and democracy around the planet, he would (among other things) need to present America as that "model of governance"—to show the world, by its example, that free democracies are successful and worth emulating. Yet the NIC report paints a world where fewer and fewer people look to America as a model of anything. We can't sell freedom if we can't sell ourselves.

Fred Kaplan writes the "War Stories" column for Slate. He can be reached at
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teknobucks wrote:
The likely emergence of China and India ... as new major global players
India? Global Domination Through Tech Support? :D

saraho wrote:
Rolo wrote:
saraho wrote:
When the US leaves Iraq, the markets will rally big time.
Or when the media stops covering it, whichever comes first.
No dear. The markets are composed of bulls and bears, not ostriches.

LOL! Ostriches...well put, point taken. What I meant though, is that the market is composed of humans, and (most) humans have emotions and those emotions make them do things. Would you agree that, to some noteworthy extent anyway, that the "feel-goodyness" would influence the market to a rally?
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Rolo wrote:
saraho wrote:
Rolo wrote:
saraho wrote:
When the US leaves Iraq, the markets will rally big time.
Or when the media stops covering it, whichever comes first.
No dear. The markets are composed of bulls and bears, not ostriches.

LOL! Ostriches...well put, point taken. What I meant though, is that the market is composed of humans, and (most) humans have emotions and those emotions make them do things. Would you agree that, to some noteworthy extent anyway, that the "feel-goodyness" would influence the market to a rally?
Look. I'll make it simpler for you, Rolo. You have three banks. One is solvent. One is insolvent. And the third one doesn't tell you anything but they do give out smiley faces and American flags. Which would you invest in? ;)
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What is going to happen is like in 1987 because of the U.S. dollar falling. What happened the S&P 500 fell over 25% in two days because Japan did not come to the table and buy at the treasury auction.

The U.S. can not continue to bleed red and expect foreign holdings of our debt to take the loss. Currently nearly 50% of our debt is held by international holders. As an example Germany lost nearly $3B last year holding U.S. dollars - OUCH! That is a major GDP hit...which is why the are hurting.

Gold has gone up over $125 a ounce in one year. Yet we are told inflation is not peeking through. Since they do not count food, energy and housing into that number...which is the big three expenses for the "normal" person then I guess they are right. When the fed guys are asked about that they say computers are 17% cheaper YOY. Hey who goes to the computer store every week to purchase a computer? We go to the gas station and grocery store each week thou and I am shocked each week at the increases in goods.

Should be a interesting year.

The new touchy feely MT.

Sorry if I offend anyone. I am a type AAA person and kind of know what I am talking about. I just do not want to see people loss money. :).

It is easy to make - hard to keep.

Love all of ya.

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saraho wrote:
Look. I'll make it simpler for you, Rolo. You have three banks. One is solvent. One is insolvent. And the third one doesn't tell you anything but they do give out smiley faces and American flags. Which would you invest in? ;)
It doesn't matter in which one I invest, what matters is in which one the Market invests. Don't argue with the Market, you will lose every time.

If the Market were strictly comprised of saraho's and Rolo's, we would have never had a Great Depression, tech bubble of 2000, or three million dollar tulip bulbs.

Given the amount of ribbons and American flags I see in public...umm, you are making my argument. :D
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I believe the tuliet bulbs example was a European diaster...not U.S. Our major "other" bubble was sugar...when that got moved out of our boarders in the late 1870.

History does repeat itself.

This year is 1987.

Falling dollar and massive debts.
