Please Try To Keep To The Topic


Staff member
imported post

Please be cognizant of the forum and topic in which you are posting. Try to stick to the topic's subject orstart a new topic.

If anyone wants to start their own Account Forum to track their transactions, let me know and I would be glad to create one for you. :^

Thank you!
imported post

hehe, You don't want HyperDynamic TopicShift Technology®?

It seems like any forum with good conversation gets that problem eventually. Some people are okay with it (I am) but most are not and get annoyed.

I administered PTCrew for three months before I noticed the New Topic button at the top of each thread. (D'oh!) So when I feel like I am thread-jacking, I just hit that button.


I like the way you laid out your forums/categories, BTW, they seem easier to navigate and stay on topic; itfeels less cumbersome even though it doesn't appear that way at first.
imported post

I don't mind a smooth seque. I think most of the off topics are because of what you mention, just not being familiar with how the board is laid out or how to post a new topic.

I do move posts occasionally when I seesomeone asking about theF fund, for example, and it's written in the Psychologhy of Trading forum.

No biggie. Just trying to keep some order.