Long time surfer, first time poster, and man this site a wealth of info. Thanks Tom. OK, question is this....Trusting Guvment employee I am....I always assumed the agency matching 5% was coming off of your base pay, right?? Actually your gross base pay to be exact. I've been trying to figure out how the 5% is arrived at. It sure doesn't come from your (or mine at least) gross pay. After my math what I found was that after deducting *your* contributions, the remaining balance is what the 5% comes from. Is this correct?? I've looked through TSP info and also OPM and our agency info, but the best I ever found was very vague info to say the least. If this is correct, am I also correct in assuming that the more *WE* contribute from our base pay, the less the Guvment's contribution would be becasue the more you give off the top, the balance would be smaller in which to deduct their 5%???? Call me a synical Irishman if you must, but that gnome don't hunt!! Here I was thinking I was contributing 25% (20 mine and 5 from the gov., but after the numbers it's more like 22...bummer. Please, someone tell me I'm wrong!