Omnibus bill, and the 1.9 pct. pay raise


Well-known member
I'm not sure what happened to that other thread I posted this morning- but the intent was simply to provide a link to where the text of that funding bill is.

It looks like they stuck the funding bills that previously all passed the house, plus the Homeland Security bill which was where the "wall" money was, plus addd in the 1.9% pay raise, retroactive to Jan 1st, "(I think. its kind of hard to figure out- the bill is 1169 pages long).

Anyway- here is a link if you want to see it:

Enjoy. The bill, (1169 pages) and the summary of the bill (600 pages) is in the bottom paragraph, just ABOVE the word "Subcommittee".
Sucks we're not getting the 2.6%, we basically had a pay freeze since the beginning of the Obama administration. Yes frozen for 3 years, but I consider 1% raises a joke and basically still frozen pay. We've had one of the biggest stock market recoveries of all time during this span, if not the biggest, and still haven't gotten a decent raise since Bush. It's a major slap in the face imo.
Sucks we're not getting the 2.6%, we basically had a pay freeze since the beginning of the Obama administration. Yes frozen for 3 years, but I consider 1% raises a joke and basically still frozen pay. We've had one of the biggest stock market recoveries of all time during this span, if not the biggest, and still haven't gotten a decent raise since Bush. It's a major slap in the face imo.

To add fuel to the fire....retirees already got their 2.8% in January, with no furlough/shutdown.
Just sayin’. :buttkick: