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At cob today
g 15
f 5
c 45
s 10
i 25
hmm. hard to ignore that all the equity indices have been on a tear, earnings have been up, oil down, interest rates (well, what will be revealed in FOMC notes to be released today)... in short, business is good, though housing slowing.
so, it's been, seems likely to continue, as rising tide-so hard to have much $ watching from the sidelines.
on Friday the 18th I posted an ift essentially taking some off the table. turns out (to my luck) I missed the deadline for TSP. I sent a minut before noon but TSP did my transfers the next day. I would guess my email to TSP was slowed in cyberspace just enough to miss the noon deadline. Anyway, so my $ were still in the market Monday - an up day despite my worries posted Friday. Today it's looking like japan was flat, euro zone fairly flat, S & P flat to down on a little bit lower volume than last week. Bond markets close early tomorrow, liquidity dries up late in the day for the markets, anyone who wants to be away from the markets over the holiday is (my guess) leveling out their positions today. So, I'm thinking S&P will be a bit down today, and I'm willing to swing back into "c" what I removed from "c" yesterday. This is very rare I'd attempt such a short term swing.
I'm also thinking that if S & P is flat or down today, that may ripple through Japan and Euro zone and cause related declines in "I" fund over next day or two.
Last week Euro zone threatened with interest rate increases, this week they're backpedalling and saying well, maybe it will be just one, not the start of a series.
some think there should be a pull back, others saying rally to year -end and beyond.
query whether those waiting for pullback might not be well served by putting a little in now, and the same amount in later when the pullback they expect actually arrives.
if it doesn't arrive because this is an enduring bull run, they're ok, and if the pull back does arrive, and they put in matching amounts or a little more, good too. many indicators one can watch, but the market is the ultimate judge. I try not to fight it, rather watch/follow what it does...
On a separate point, not really sure what the tsptalk user expectations are about posting only some moves to account allocation threads. Could waste tracker time, confuse others? We can learn from other's mistakes as well as successes - so maybe post everything or nothing?