Oil Slick Stuff

Copy of a post from last year May 18. Do you think we have seen the worst of it? They like it over $70 a barrel.:mad:

Down, Up, Down?
05/18/2006 - Updated 8:04 AM ET
Crude prices extend declinesConcerns over demand, supply trigger losses
</IMG>By Tomi Kilgore, MarketWatch
NEW YORK (MarketWatch) -- Crude oil futures extended declines Thursday on concerns that rising inflation, as a result of higher commodities prices, will sap demand.
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Gasoline here jumped another nickel last night.

Now $3.49 a gallon in my hometown.

Jimminy Crickets- if this doesn't throw a little cold water on the markets, I don't know what will. It's like a new tax hike- going from $2.29-2,39 a gallon to $3.49 in about six months timeframe.

http://gasbuddy.com shows gas price trends all over the nation.
Gasoline here jumped another nickel last night.

Now $3.49 a gallon in my hometown.

Jimminy Crickets- if this doesn't throw a little cold water on the markets, I don't know what will. It's like a new tax hike- going from $2.29-2,39 a gallon to $3.49 in about six months timeframe.

http://gasbuddy.com shows gas price trends all over the nation.

Yes it will, and we have to keep it in mind when doing our IFTs, look back to the same time last year it was a real drag on the markets.:suspicious:
This is beginning to PI-- ME OFF!!:mad::nuts:

Look at a year ago; Oil higher and gas cheaper, NO we don't need more refineries!! NOT! Hurricanes and all.

Unleaded gasoline, heating oil gain; natural-gas prices retreat
</IMG>By Myra P. Saefong, MarketWatch
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Crude-oil futures climbed above $71 a barrel Tuesday to close near their highest level in two weeks, with a forecast of an active 2006 hurricane season and Venezuela's support of a production cut by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries acting as a tailwind.



Average gas price nears $3.18 a gallon for the first time in Sunday's reading, to reach eighth straight record high; gas under $3 tough to find.

By Chris Isidore, CNNMoney.com senior writer
May 20 2007: 10:49 AM EDT

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Gasoline prices hit their record high for the eighth straight day Sunday, and there are now only a few states left where the average price hasn't crossed the $3 threshold.
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Well well well, funny how things work out.....it appears folks that a research engineer found the solution to our energy needs without going oil......he researched on a Aluminum Gallium combination due to an observation in the lab cleaning up (he's in the electronics industry) and discovered if he mixes the AlGa metal with water POOFFF!!!! goes the hydrogen....!!!!! 350 lbs of AlGa and water and off you go in your car for 350 miles!!!! By product is Aluminum oxide and gallium liberating the Hydrogen from the water!!!!.....aluminum from the oxide can be recovered at 2500 degrees F and then the gallium is pure after the reaction......no emissions.....

AlGa is considered like a storage device for energy at this point....

We are thar.....folks we are thar...oil is old hat.
Aluminum??? Sounds like there is possibilites. Lots more work to do on this thing before you can run your car on BEER CANS!!!:D
LSC at 09:36 $64.96 +.02:mad:

Gas prices: Worse than '81 oil shock

Gas now at highest level, even adjusted for inflation; AAA's reading of nearly $3.20 a gallon marks ninth straight record high in current dollars.

May 21 2007: 8:31 AM EDT

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- Gasoline prices soared to levels never seen before as even the inflation-adjusted price for a gallon of unleaded topped the 1981 record spike in price that had stood for 26 years.
And higher prices could be on the way as Americans get ready to hit the road for the Memorial Day holiday and the start of the summer driving season.
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Market Update:D

10:30 am : Within the last 30 minutes, the Dow briefly turned positive and the S&P 500 got to within two points of hitting its record closing high. Oil prices turning negative and falling below $65/bbl has contributed to the renewed wave of buying interest.

However, the Energy sector (+0.3%) subsequently seeing its early advance more than halved removes some of what little leadership today's market was exhibiting during the first hour of trading. Overall, the market simply looks tired after several weeks of gains as investors struggle to find overwhelming evidence to keep the rally intact. DJ30 -12.11 NASDAQ +8.49 SP500 +0.96 NASDAQ Dec/Adv/Vol 1067/1631/314 mln NYSE Dec/Adv/Vol 1169/1712/200 mln http://finance.yahoo.com/marketupdate/overview
Who's Big Idea was this?? I want to know so I can vote their butts out of office!!:mad:
Europe did it and didn't lower gas prices they can KIxx, OH never mind!

My big fat European gas tax

Should Americans consider a big price hike in an attempt to reduce demand and transfer money from Big Oil to the general public?

By Steve Hargreaves, CNNMoney.com staff writer
May 21 2007: 11:58 AM EDT

NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- It seems completely counterintuitive: Raise the gasoline tax to help American commuters.
Motorist are already paying well over $3 a gallon, and there are signs that it's beginning to cut into demand and take a chunk out of consumer spending.
But if a big gas tax was levied - like the $1 or $2 tax Europeans have to keep prices permanently over $3 or $4 a gallon - could that eventually crimp demand and lead to lower wholesale and contract prices?
Why gasoline prices are rising while oil isn't (more)
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