Oil Slick Stuff

This is what I call BROKEN!:cool: One small step at a time.:nuts:
[h=1]GOP critical of Navy's 'Great Green Fleet', $26 a gallon fuel[/h]Published July 02, 2012

The Navy is steaming ahead with an initiative to power ships with biofuel, despite criticism the so-called “green fuel” costs nearly seven times more than conventional fuel.
This month marks the first time the Navy is using biofuel in an operational setting -- sending five ships to a multi-nation exercise off the coast of Hawaii.
A Navy official told FoxNews.com on Monday that sailing the so-called “Great Green Fleet” this month on the 50-50 blend of alternative and conventional fuel is part of Navy Secretary Ray Mabus’ plan to have half the Navy fleet on alternative fuel by 2020.
The spokesman also confirmed the fuel -- which does not require engine modifications -- costs $26 a gallon compared to $3.60 a gallon for conventional fuel.

Read more: GOP critical of Navy's 'Great Green Fleet', $26 a gallon fuel | Fox News

Cmon nnuut, think of the children. Think of the polar bears. Think of the profits made by suppliers and those who choose those suppliers.
The Final Frontier? Arctic Drilling Gets Serious
by Jaime Kammerzell
Rigzone Contributor
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Shell made headlines in May when the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) approved its oil response plan for its exploratory program in the Chukchi and Beaufort Seas. Shell awaits drilling permits from the BSEE to start drilling for oil. While waiting for approval, Shell has been testing its new oil spill containment system.
The supermajor had hoped to start drilling by July, but heavy polar ice is postponing drilling to August, which does not give the operator much time. Shell plans to wrap up exploratory drilling by September 24 in the Chukchi Sea and October 31 in the Beaufort Sea.
RIGZONE - The Final Frontier? Arctic Drilling Gets Serious
The supermajor had hoped to start drilling by July, but heavy polar ice is postponing drilling to August

You mean to say, that this is the problem?
I mean with Global Warming supossidly melting the polar Ice caps and all ????....And I was beginning to believe Algore and FWM knew what they were talking about...NOT!..
We have got to stop oil speculatioin in the stock market. Last week here on the north coast gas was finally falling and getting closer to $3.00/gal. Tuesday this week around my house it was $3.21. But some stations in Cleveland it was as low as $3.14. July 4th gas jumped to $3.48/gal and yesterday it was $3.58/gal. What the heck?????
The insanity continues.:suspicious:
Crude Oil - Electronic (NYMEX) Aug 2012, CLQ2 Future Quote - (NMN) CLQ2, Crude Oil - Electronic (NYMEX) Aug 2012 Future Price
Dollar down, Oil UP!

Isn't that the way it usually happens?
Yes Exactly, unless some other thing takes precedence such as a blockade of the Straights of Hormuz, a hurricane, excess inventories Ya never know?:toung: