Don't these people realize that this guy is trying to undermine our country?
Alaskans get power bill aid, Chavez bashing
POSTED: 9:50 a.m. EDT, October 20, 2006
JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) -- Gov. Frank Murkowski Thursday created a rural energy adviser post, signed over $183 million that will help rural Alaskans pay their electricity bills, and criticized Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's fuel program for the state's villages.
Citgo, the Venezuelan government's Texas-based oil subsidiary, is donating about $5.3 million to Alaska Native nonprofit organizations to buy fuel this winter for more than 12,000 households, and has given millions more in other parts of the country.
About 150 Alaska Native villages have accepted the offer, but a few have refused, saying they don't want to participate in what they consider an attempt by Chavez -- an adversary of President Bush -- to embarrass the U.S.
Murkowski said his announcement was not a response to the Venezuelan fuel aid. The state's rural energy aid was approved by the Alaska Legislature earlier this year, and Murkowski said his new adviser would continue the work of an existing rural energy council.
But when asked about the Venezuelan aid, Murkowski said Chavez should be trying to lift Venezuelans out of poverty and "tin shacks" instead of trying to "buy favoritism" elsewhere.
"I think Chavez should practice a little recognition that charity begins at home," Murkowski said.
The $183 million will be added to an endowment that is estimated to generate about $25 million per year to help pay down the high cost of electricity in rural parts of Alaska.
Murkowski appointed former state senator Nels Anderson to the new rural energy adviser position, which he said will ensure Alaska villages have a policy-level voice in state government.
Murkowski, whose bid for a second term was rejected in the August GOP primary, leaves office December 4.