OhMyGov! Syria and Iran bump...

Syria and Iran bump US CENTCOM's Social Media Presence

United States Central Command (CENTCOM) has been in the public eye for over a decade...

Jack B. Winn

The United States Central Command (CENTCOM) has been in the public eye for over a decade as a result of the conflicts in the Middle East and persists due to the perceived or real interventions in both Iran and Syria.

According to OhMyGov Analytics, US CENTCOM Twitter mentions have grown 167 percent. The greatest volume of mentions was on the anniversary of D-Day, the same day Marine personnel, in concert with the Royal Jordanian Army, Brunei Special Forces and other groups conducted a multinational exercise, paralleling the situation in Syria in what could become the United States first peacekeeping operation in the Middle East since Marines last occupied neighboring Lebanon in the 1980s.

If the United States does becomes involved in Syria, the situation will most likely be a repeat of the 1982 multinational peacekeeping in Lebanon, putting the US in the center of a multi-nation ethnic dispute that saw Christians, Druze, Sunnis and Shias acting as proxies for the Iranians, Syrians, Israelis and others.

Sound familiar? Well the chatter on the Internet suggests that the United States is gearing up to insert itself into the region again.

According to the Palm-Beach Post, both President Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu are struggling to come up with contingency plans just in case intervention in one country complicates negotiations with the other--as if the Middle East isn't already complicated to begin with.
