HR1108 Reporting requirements? The TSP Board was allowed to impose the IFT rule without even a ball park estimate of what the costs would have been for and a IFT. Miles (TSP) was quoted that, TSP members would probably not like the actual costs as being, as I recall, ~ $100, $200, and maybe even $500. They never addressed what actual costs is and no one could (even the funds equitable owners) can even demand them to find it.
FLATLY, STATED, THE TSP BOARD HAS COST IT MEMBERS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN LOSSES AND PREEMPTED THEM FROM BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFITS. But, they met their scewed mandate and save perhaps a few million in costs that anyone on this site would have gladly and reasonably paid. That means it would have cost the TSP fund nothing.
I find what they said, on first blush, as highly suspect - - everybody and their Schwab brother is at ~$10 a trade.
FLATLY, STATED, THE TSP BOARD HAS COST IT MEMBERS BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN LOSSES AND PREEMPTED THEM FROM BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN PROFITS. But, they met their scewed mandate and save perhaps a few million in costs that anyone on this site would have gladly and reasonably paid. That means it would have cost the TSP fund nothing.
I find what they said, on first blush, as highly suspect - - everybody and their Schwab brother is at ~$10 a trade.