nnuut's Account Talk

Well the Birthdays over for another year, I think I'll stop having them next year, just refuse to grow any older, the wife did.:D
Thanks folks
Oh, I'll be out of town Tuesday and Wednesday so I won't be on line, besides that my home computer isn't back from HP (repair), they said it would take 7 - 9 days so I expect it back in around 3 weeks!!:laugh:
Happy Birthday Norm

I'm in G 50% , C25%, and S 25%, hope this works for April. :cool:
Best of luck with your allocation Marcel54!!
I just got back from a short, WET vacation and am out of touch with the markets, I needed a break but not all of the rain!!:cool:
Back on line at home, got my computer back from repair at HP Friday afternoon and it was still doing the same thing it was before I sent it, I'm PISSED.:nuts: Was able to get it to boot Saturday, but they replaced a perfectly good hard drive and left the funky Motherboard, I'm running well with 6 Gigs of RAM instead of the 8 that I have!!:mad: Just finished a brake job on my truck at 10 PM, had to drive 45 miles to get the front brake rotor, but now it's done!! Market is lookin' better to me so it must be time to jump into the "G" or the "F"?:laugh: computer4.gif
I'm 92% in the G. Need to dispatch more of the G into the CSI funds, else I'll never get much higher than #36 on the leaderboard. Decision time.
I'm in the same boat, Jobs Report was bad and if the market rebounds after a drop that will be a good sign that the bottom may be in and I may jump in myself. We will see!:cool:
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It's about time they did something about "SHORTING" the Market, especially NAKED SHORTING!!:mad:

SEC Mulls 2 Short Sale Circuit Breakers
Topics:Nasdaq | NYSE | Stock Market

By: Reuters | 07 Apr 2009 | 03:27 AM ET

U.S. securities regulators are crafting two types of 'circuit breakers' to restrict short selling, a type of investing often blamed by executives for declines in the stocks of their companies, a source familiar with the proposals told Reuters on Monday.

The Securities and Exchange Commission will consider at its Wednesday meeting the restoration of the "uptick rule," which allowed short sales -- a bet that a stock's price will fall -- only when the last sale price was higher than the previous price.
The SEC is working on an updated version of the uptick rule to include all stocks and a bid test, which would only allow shorting at a price above the highest available bid, said the source, who requested anonymity because the proposals are still being crafted.

The source said the SEC is working on a circuit breaker proposal that could temporarily prohibit short sales of a stock if the stock has already fallen by a certain percentage. The source also said the SEC is crafting another circuit breaker that would trigger the application of the uptick rule or bid test after the price of a stock had fallen by a certain percentage.
Try and hold on a little longer - you know how your luck runs. Your second chance buy in is coming - but I need to make some serious $K before you jump. Please think about the collateral damage you will cause. Clester is sitting with his thumb on the sell trigger - the sooner he moves the better.
Try and hold on a little longer - you know how your luck runs. Your second chance buy in is coming - but I need to make some serious $K before you jump. Please think about the collateral damage you will cause. Clester is sitting with his thumb on the sell trigger - the sooner he moves the better.
Best of luck with your investments Daddy Warbucks!! :laugh: View attachment 6168
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I bailed 100% from C to G on 4/14, but I was actually a day late. Still did ok but a day sooner would have been a little better. I felt we were ready for a fall....and all these tea parties coming up on 4/15, caused me some concern. Yeah finanicals are great....the govts been throwing money at them...no wonder some made a profit. I'm staying in G until a bigger drop comes in!