nnuut's Account Talk

Yeah, been in the CP Mode for awhile. Didn't feel like giving back my gains of late. Can't hide all the time, looks like it might be up from here if the economic stuff behaves, and burntankle is a Good Boy!:confused::D
I hope the I Fund pops tonight...I've been surprised a lot recently by it's surpris downturns..and I hate missing out on today's good run...but yesterday was lackluster and could have moved to the downside..oh well..

GL Nnuts (and you too CC...I expect you're smiling today cause I think you stayed in...)

I hope the I Fund pops tonight...I've been surprised a lot recently by it's surpris downturns..and I hate missing out on today's good run...but yesterday was lackluster and could have moved to the downside..oh well..

GL Nnuts (and you too CC...I expect you're smiling today cause I think you stayed in...)

no i guess i was skeereed jumped out and a miss now i am with the herd for today :confused: you never know but i cant complain too much at least i didnot loose 2.o but then sept is not over yet G L today
40% "C", 60% "S" COB today! No time to research today, just a gut feeling, going for it. May get a +FV today that might help with the drop in Europe. That means Monday may get a -FV so I'm in the "C" and "S" COB today.:D
Wrong again!! Oh, wellllllll?:confused:

The rise from the August lows has been led by the blue chips on declining volume this suggests a retest of the August lows is still likely.
I expect the major indices to be lower on Friday September 21 than they were on Friday September 14.
Mike Burk [mikeburk@alphaim.net]
Just got back from sailing.. Had a great weekend, although wih winds at 20 knots, the sailing got a lttle tense a few times...

But enough about me..I take anxiety leave for the weekend and come back to find...anxiety...Oh well, Let's just hope the decline doesn't begin tomorrow...Come on Uncle Ben...give us a full half point..:D:D

Thanks for posting Nnuts...My only question is "Is that guy a bear or have bear leanings, or is he one of those balanced type of investment experts that makes a lot of sense and folks usually listen to him?":D:
FS I think he is an analyst, has a web site and puts out a free news letter. I don't think he is a BEAR. Here is a link to his site. I tried to locate the news letter page, but am BLOCKED at work. Mike Burke:D
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How are you feeling about this market....I'm in for tomorrow based on 12%'s and Paladin's thinking...and I hope the risk is worth it..I was making a little positive ground last week but lost a little on Friday and again today following Ebb...WHO WOULDA THUNK

I'm glad CC had a good week last week...He played it risky and it mostly paid off..I'm trying to figure out if I should just head to the lily Pad for a while...

I hate ANXIETY!!! almost as much as the F Fund

[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana]From; Financialsense.com[/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana]In sum, the U.S. economy has entered, at best, a growth recession – an environment in which excess capacity will begin to rise in the labor and product markets. In turn, this excess capacity will temper price increases of good and services, and most likely equity prices, too. At worst, the U.S. economy is on the cusp of entering a full-fledged recession. Either way, the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) will start cutting its target for the federal funds rate. We expect the first funds rate target cut of 25 basis points to occur at the FOMC meeting on September 18. This will just bring the fed funds rate target down to the 5% level the actual fed funds rate has been averaging over the several weeks (see Chart 11). Even though the FOMC’s target funds rate would just come into line with the actual level of the funds rate, by cutting its target the FOMC would be sending a signal to market participants that a return to a 5.25% actual fed funds rate level is not being contemplated. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Verdana]The Federal Reserve Board also might get more creative by reducing further the spread of the discount rate over the federal funds rate – currently at 50 basis points. By cutting the discount-rate spread, the Federal Reserve Board might be able to bring down the rate on 3-month London Interbank lending, so-called 3-month LIBOR. In recent weeks, 3-month LIBOR has been trading about 45 basis points over the fed funds rate target vs. about 11 basis points higher prior to the recent financial market turmoil (see Chart 12). LIBOR is an important interest rate inasmuch as it serves as a base lending rate for many private lending contracts. We see the September 18 cut in the FOMC’s fed funds rate target as the first in a series. We anticipate that the target funds rate will have fallen to a level of 4.25% after the January 30, 2008, FOMC meeting – 100 basis points lower than where it is today. The risk case is that the fed-funds-rate target will be even lower than 4.25% on January 30 or in the immediate months thereafter. (much more)[/FONT]
Staying 40 "C", 60 "S" --- don't try this at home!!!!:o
FOMC’s target funds rate would just come into line with the actual level of the funds rate, by cutting its target the FOMC would be sending a signal to market participants that a return to a 5.25% actual fed funds rate level is not being contemplated.
The Federal Reserve Board also might get more creative by reducing further the spread of the discount rate over the federal funds rate – currently at 50 basis points. By cutting the discount-rate spread, the Federal Reserve Board might be able to bring down the rate on 3-month London Interbank lending, so-called 3-month LIBOR. http://www.financialsense.com/editorials/kasriel/2007/0917.html

How about .25 and .50? AAAAH its only my retirement money!!