nnuut's Account Talk

Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Looks like they might break through this afternoon? Moving 50% "G", 50% "F" COB Today. OK now's your big chance, every time I do this the SKY IS THE LIMIT tomorrow. BAM through the top of the charts!:worried:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Looks like they might break through this afternoon? Moving 50% "G", 50% "F" COB Today. OK now's your big chance, every time I do this the SKY IS THE LIMIT tomorrow. BAM through the top of the charts!:worried:
thanks since you moved out i decided to stay in :D just kidding remember i am kinda car CRAZY:sick::laugh:
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Man look at the "C" fund at the end of the day! ZZZOOOOMMMmmm!!! out the top of the chart, SEE I TOLD YOU SO!!:D Works Every time.:o
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

Due to the above curse, I submitted an IFT of 50% "S", and 50% "I" COB today. This is exactly the opposite that I think would be an appropriate move!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

I thought about that too, a never ending circle.!!
Staying 50% "S", 50% "I" Dollar is diving, Gas and Oil are on the way down. Now you know what not to do!!!:D
Re: Nnuut's Account Talk

That's what I thought but hey, easily confused since losing $$! LOL. It leaked right outta my brain!