nnuut's Account Talk

Didn't quite work out like that, but it def benefited you on that last trading day of the month! Good call, and good luck in February!:cool:
Thanks, you know I can't be wrong all of the time to make the markets better for others.:toung:
IFT COB today 60% "C", 40% "S"!:1244:
I think Kave will sit on the sidelines and watch the rollercoaster for awhile. I'm like the guy in the Gildan commercial. I just got a new pair of underwear and I don't want to soil them right here before Valentine's Day!!
All I know is the Market will either go UP, DOWN or sideways! I've change the way I analyze the market, if I really think it will go up I'm all OUT, If I really think it's going DOWN I'm all in! :banana:
Being that I really don't know which way this thing will go, protecting and reallocating a bit trying to protect without bailing out while climbing the Wall of Worry. If it keeps rolling over the next one will be more to the "G"ood Fund!
I used my last IFT and at that time the "C" Fund was trailing the "S" so I loaded up on the "S" 55%, soon after that the market decided it didn't like the "S" anymore!:D That's the way things go. I'm still in for today but am thinking about Capital Preservation now.
me and my buddy (windhunter) always thought March madness was a good time to be , so I hope he is looking down and reminding me , man I miss Randy:smile: