nnuut's Account Talk

Could you make that picture my avatar...don't know if you are capable of doing that...feel free to hack away...I'm told my iPad limits me
I'd do it for you, but I don't want to. I'd rather keep the politics in the politics forum and obviously it is being done to irritate other members. Sorry.

When you find an avatar that represents you here at TSP Talk - you remember the TSP ;) I'll be glad to help.
A Friend brought me some fruit from South Florida, picked fresh in his Uncle's yard.
Man! Look at those avocados!!
Obama won, a sad day for the USA my friends, hold on to your wallets.

I wonder why this site is so pro republican, we're mostly federal workers here, and wouldn't a win from someone who wants to kill government jobs be a bad thing? (romney)
I wonder why this site is so pro republican, we're mostly federal workers here, and wouldn't a win from someone who wants to kill government jobs be a bad thing? (romney)

Obama wants to kill military jobs and I'm a federal employee (military).
We are Republican because they want to save the economy before we bailout everyone that needs a handout. The military folks are one group that will catch hell now, that's a real shame.
I wonder why this site is so pro republican, we're mostly federal workers here, and wouldn't a win from someone who wants to kill government jobs be a bad thing? (romney)

without getting too political, which i have a habit of doing, i'll try to offer my perspective.

i would hope that each one of us, dem or rep, love our country, and our jobs. not for the cash, but for what we do/serve. and as such, work and want to see it continue. are there more reps than dems here, or is one group just more/less vocal? of the vocal ones, why? just naturally bigger assholes? or is the quieter half just less sure their positions are defendable? maybe, maybe not.

i can say this about the vocal ones though, they are worried that the institution they love and serve and desire to see perpetuate believe it is on an unsustainable path. and so work to preserve it, even though that may mean less funding and ultimately their jobs.

and of the 'vocal minority at least on this site' they believe just as strongly we should do more to save more folks/fund more programs so that more folks have more.

who is correct and who is in error? who knows? but we can't keep spending more than we earn or else we all wil be unemployed.

how do we get there then? that is the question. the proof will be in the pudding.
Assuming the "false" premise that republicans want to eliminate all federal jobs is true.......I would gladly fall on the grenade to ensure a better world for my children and their children
Was hoping for a slight uptick today, let's see how the PPT acts around 14:30 this afternoon.
The World is WACKO,
the Government is CRAZY,
The Market is Crooked
and I'm NNUUTS!:toung: