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If Repubs do good in the election and take the House, stocks up if not stocks down.
Don't forget FED Speak Wednesday.
Do you feel Lucky Punk?:nuts:
If Republicans Win on Tuesday, Stocks Will Go Up
By John Lott
Published October 31, 2010
| FoxNews.com
The economic outlook is bleak. Businesses aren't hiring and the economy has lost 400,000 jobs since May. Unemployment has remained at least at 9.5 percent for 14 months, A record length of high unemployment not encountered since the Great Depression. GDP is growing but the growth is slowing. Consumer confidence is falling; the dollar is falling; the real estate market remains in a slump. And the Obama administration has overseen the 2009 and 2010 deficits at unprecedented levels, accumulating over $2.7 trillion during just two years. [more]

Don't forget FED Speak Wednesday.
Do you feel Lucky Punk?:nuts:
If Republicans Win on Tuesday, Stocks Will Go Up
By John Lott
Published October 31, 2010
| FoxNews.com
The economic outlook is bleak. Businesses aren't hiring and the economy has lost 400,000 jobs since May. Unemployment has remained at least at 9.5 percent for 14 months, A record length of high unemployment not encountered since the Great Depression. GDP is growing but the growth is slowing. Consumer confidence is falling; the dollar is falling; the real estate market remains in a slump. And the Obama administration has overseen the 2009 and 2010 deficits at unprecedented levels, accumulating over $2.7 trillion during just two years. [more]