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Here Ya go, will this stimulate the market?:worried:
Senate passes $410 billion spending bill
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A massive spending bill that funds the U.S. government for the rest of the budget year passed the Senate on Tuesday despite complaints about nearly $8 billion in what critics called "pork-barrel" projects.
The Senate passes a bill to fund the government through the end of the fiscal year.
Senators voted 62-35 to cut off debate on the $410 billion measure and passed it on a voice vote immediately afterward.
The omnibus spending bill includes more than 8,000 congressional "earmarks," which total almost $8 billion. The earmarks have caused critics to question President Obama's pledge to end wasteful spending, but Obama administration officials said the bill is a holdover from the previous Congress.
"It is in America's best interest to close the book on the last administration and let the new one hit the ground running," said Sen. Daniel Inouye, the Democratic chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee.
That's been on the table for some time, and probably already factored into the market.
Senators voted 62-35 to cut off debate on the $410 billion measure and passed it on a voice vote immediately afterward.
The omnibus spending bill includes more than 8,000 congressional "earmarks," which total almost $8 billion.
"In the midst of a serious economic downturn, the Senate had a chance to show it can impose the same kind of restraint on itself that millions of Americans are being forced to impose on themselves at the moment. ... If the president is looking for a first bill to veto, this is it," he said.
He had said his preference would be to defeat the bill and put it back together at last year's spending levels.
McConnell has requested 36 "solo" earmarks -- those without cosponsors -- totaling $51 million in the bill, according to Taxpayers for Common Sense. The group said only five senators have not requested any earmarks: Sens. Tom Coburn, R-Oklahoma; Jim DeMint, R-South Carolina; Russ Feingold, D-Wisconsin; John McCain, R-Arizona; and Claire McCaskill, D-Missouri. Some other senators have not requested any solo earmarks, but they have jointly requested funds with other lawmakers. Lawmakers on Monday night defeated an amendment from McCain that would have stripped the bill of most of its earmarks.
Even though $8 billion is less than 2% of $410 billion, that's still a hellova lot of unnecessary spending. Money means nothing to Washington politicians. I'm willing to bet that a closer look at the $410 BILLION budget would reveal that a lot more than 2% of it is unnecessary pork.