nnuut's Account Talk

NNUUT'S Perhaps you may like to try my New Tested Neural Network System Is Finally Performing At Its Best !!!
It predicting two days ahead Just in Time to do the Interfund Transfers Ontime
I tested as far as June 2003 and the results were Outstanding !!!
It Predicts Up Trends 30%
It Predicts Down Trends 28%
It Predicts Side Trends 30%
Total Correct Predictions 88%
It is not perfect so it is Wrong 12% of the time.
Unfortunally my light software it is not capable to do any better but good enough to be amoung The Best of The Test Forcasting Tools by now...
There Is A New Kid On The Block...
G Fund for Tuesday October 2nd, 2007
Have a Nice Profitable Ride... :):)
Welcome Ekatteng,

I will be reading your posts with great expectation. Seems you have a good system going. This will help us all to reach intelligent and profitable decisions.:)

NNUUT'S Perhaps you may like to try my New Tested Neural Network System Is Finally Performing At Its Best !!!
It predicting two days ahead Just in Time to do the Interfund Transfers Ontime
I tested as far as June 2003 and the results were Outstanding !!!
It Predicts Up Trends 30%
It Predicts Down Trends 28%
It Predicts Side Trends 30%
Total Correct Predictions 88%
It is not perfect so it is Wrong 12% of the time.
Unfortunally my light software it is not capable to do any better but good enough to be amoung The Best of The Test Forcasting Tools by now...
There Is A New Kid On The Block...
G Fund for Tuesday October 2nd, 2007
Have a Nice Profitable Ride... :):)
The proof is in the pudding Ya know. Let's see what you can do. I like this board because some people have the nerve to try new things. This market has been around a long time and thousands and thousands of investors have tried to time it, not an easy task. If it was easy we would all would be rich.
I encourage every real effort to beat this thing, it's easy to tell, post your moves in the Tracker, but remember just because you fail at first is no reason to stop trying. We will be watching.
Best of luck
Norman :cool:
100% "F" COB today.
Taking profit today, if there is any. DOW over 14000, only been that high one time in the last 6 months. Do I think it will hold, NO! Dollar is rebounding a little, need to wait. Oil dropped some on the dollar rise, need to wait. "C" and "S" almost at the top of their channels, and lot's more, no time. PLUCK PLUCK!!:D
Watch the throw over as we pop on top of the channel. Common technical knowledge states that the longer the channel formation the more powerful the final move is. What history suggests is pretty much crystal clear. In the last half century, there has only been one third year of the Presidential cycle period that has witnessed negative results for the S&P. The average third year cycle performance since 1955 is 18.4%. An increase of 18.4% for the S&P in 2007 would mean a target of 1670. Fabijo says be prepared for 1800.
Good info Brich, but as far as a jump out of the channels----we will see tomorrow or the next. Then we can talk!!
Congrats on 6000 posts there NNuut!!! Wow, I got a few to go. :sick:

This has gotta be like 500 home runs... guaranteed enshrinement into the TSP Hall of Fame, right?

So, you seeing the dollar bouncing back and making US stocks more attractive over the last quarter?
Thanks Minnow, but Carpal tunnel syndrome and red eyes is probably more like it?
The extremely week Dollar, and trumped up shortages are some things driving the price of Oil up. Oil goes up, Gas goes up, the cost of everything goes up!! Not good, and don't travel overesas unless you like Argentina, you can't afford it!
If the dollar could bounce back it would be good for stocks and the economy. Having a small bounce off of the lows yesterday and today, but I don't see a turn around,,,,YET!:D
Aren't we due for another $5 bil Fed injection or did that already happen recently -- I'm still trying to catch up :(
Don't know about the FED I can't seem to predict what they will do next, but that was their first reaction to the Sub Prime problem, they are way past that now, but could use it again if needed, they only have so many tools and don't want to use them all, then what?:cool:!
oh, thought you would say they ARE tools? yuk yuk. So, you seeing a .25 cut for October? I'm guessing that's what everyone is expecting so, it won't happen, right?
I'll be there, but you know how the "F" fund is! I don't want to talk about it, can't control my language!!:worried:
I don't know if my channel boundries are exactly right on the below chart, but it looks overbought to me? On the otherhand this could be the start of another Breakout for tomorrow, but I don't think so.:cool:
View attachment 2232
I was wondering if anyone has ever looked into the differences
we experience between the TSP Return %'s vs. the Index's and
ETF's which I use for tracking. This is just another tool I
use in the decision making process. Where the SPX or C-Fund is
very consistant (within a penny), the EFA or I-Fund fluxuates
to a greater degree. It's understood that fees and currencies
play a part in this, but something interesting occurs from
time to time.

Specifically, The I-Fund sometimes lags behind the EFA %
results. Other times it pays out a greater % then the EFA.
The disparegies always come in line to keep them consistant
with each other.

Here's an example:
On Thurday I-Fund Return % (accum) owed the EFA approx- .15%
or .04 cents.
On Friday the I-Fund disparegy grew to .51% or .13 cents.
On Monday the I-Fund disparegy grew yet again to .58% or
.15 cents.

When the I-Fund has a losing day, it will make up for the .58%
by losing more then the EFA will. The interesting (and fun)
thing that happens is when the EFA owes the I-Fund, that tends
to be a big plus for I-Fund shares.

Am I just OCD or has anyone ever took notice of this.:confused: