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Great site it's about time someone did this!
3/25/04 - Call myself lucky....I've been that! Going 100% I from 50/50 C & S tonight. I go strictly by Japan since it's got the greatest weight, it's up for Friday will reap that on Monday. I use DJAI = C and Nasdaq =S. I have not considered fluctuation of
US dollar in my I allocation but I'm sure I should. But 8 to 9 times out of 10 I have been lucky with my above strategy. I'm sure I will learn a better way on this board however for now sticking w/ it. My post and decisions will be based on the above strategy....once again going back to I fund tonight. I hide in F when all else is lost never G. Thoughts? Good luck to all and again love the site.
Great site it's about time someone did this!
3/25/04 - Call myself lucky....I've been that! Going 100% I from 50/50 C & S tonight. I go strictly by Japan since it's got the greatest weight, it's up for Friday will reap that on Monday. I use DJAI = C and Nasdaq =S. I have not considered fluctuation of
US dollar in my I allocation but I'm sure I should. But 8 to 9 times out of 10 I have been lucky with my above strategy. I'm sure I will learn a better way on this board however for now sticking w/ it. My post and decisions will be based on the above strategy....once again going back to I fund tonight. I hide in F when all else is lost never G. Thoughts? Good luck to all and again love the site.