New Guy

Hi Craig, How are you? I tried to send you a private message, no joy. So I guess you have this TSP deal all figured out?? Drop me a line.
Welcome to our forums. You can join the Automated Tracker once you have 10 posts. Read the Automated Tracker Rules in my signature. Its still in testing by our members, but its working and tracking member fund transfers and allocations. Click Members Ranking to see the current rankings.
... I am a 23 year FED.

Yep- I'd say that means 23 years of being a FED, not a 23-year OLD fed.

Welcome ATCHUNT.

Vectors for approach to retirement......

turn right, heading T-S-P-T-A-L-K....

climb and maintain one-thousand-thousand dollars.

Report when you have the field in sight.
Being 23 and having 23 years of federal service under your belt would be very impressive, if incredibly unlikely.

Does beg the question, though, of who exactly has set the record for youngest federal employee. Or the longest length of federal employment.
Welcome ATCHUNT! If you have money churning in the market at 23, you'll be just fine. Not many your age are even thinking about it. Good luck!

Begs the question, is he a 23 yr old fed, or has he been federally employed for 23 yrs?

Based on his post, I'm guessing he's a fed with 23 yrs in.
Welcome ATCHUNT! If you have money churning in the market at 23, you'll be just fine. Not many your age are even thinking about it. Good luck!

Now's the time. there is no time like the present. The more you put in, the more you'll get out of it.


Welcome. and Happy Investing.
Hello to all from GA. I am a 23 year FED. I have been investing in the TSP since its inception, but really didn't understand how important the TSP would be to my retirement. I guess when I was a young man I wasn't too worried about retirement. I have made every mistake possible, from not investing 5% to get the full matching contributions, to selling at the near lows of the BEAR market, and even though I hate to admit it I even borrowed money a few times. So now I need to really get busy and build my account. I am excited about TSPTALK!