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- Cherries Help Arthritis
- 10 Foods That Bring on the Pain
- high-fat meats such as bacon could be the cause of your arthritic pain, especially when the meats are deep fried
- "In my experience, the greatest effect of diet on arthritis is weight control," Warfield says. "There is no question that being overweight makes osteoarthritis worse, especially that involving the knees and hips."
- Eggs also contain a fair amount of saturated fat, which many doctors believe has a direct link to increased inflammation and arthritic pain.
- Avoiding cheese may reduce your arthritic pain.
- Soft drinks are one of the most consumed beverages in the United States. And according to government data, this "liquid candy" is so ubiquitous that it contributes to about 10 percent of the calories consumed in the average American diet. And Barnard says diets that are high in sugar have been associated with inflammation, since excess sugar consumption can lead to obesity, which is known to cause joint pain and swelling. Eliminating soft drinks, as well as other sugary foods such as pastries, candy and sweetened cereal from your diet could help your pain, says Barnard. And he says it does not matter if it is table sugar or high fructose corn syrup; both need to be replaced. He suggests switching over to plain old water but understands this switch is not easy for everyone.
- Processed meats such as lunch meat, hot dogs and sausages contain chemicals such as nitrites that are associated with increased inflammation and chronic disease.
- Junk Food/Potato Chips. Although Barnard agues that "everything we've been talking about so far qualifies as junk food," potato chips are one of the most common and ubiquitous junk foods out there.According to Warfield, consuming members of this family of plants has been associated in the past with increased inflammation and arthritic pain.
- Easing the pain of knee arthritis