imported post
I was able to start posting again on Januaury 24, 2005.
So here is my return from that time until the end of January.
Since Monday Morning QBing is not allowed, only those who
receive my tips know how I did from January 1-24.
JANUARY 25-312005
25 I 15.03 15.15 79.84 10079.84
27 C 12.52 12.49 (24.15) 10055.69
28 F 10.46 10.48 19.23 10074.92
31 C 12.49 12.60 88.73 10163.65
January 25-31 return: 1.637%
I always use a mythical $10,000 starting balance, just to make the calculated return easier.
The Fund is obvious: G, F, C, S, or I funds.
The OPEN is the share price at COB the previous day.
The CLOSE is the share price at the end of that day's trading.
The 10000 G/L is the gain/loss using the previous day's COB BALANCE to purchase share's at the same day closing price.
The BALANCE is what you own at the end of that day's trading after you add/subtract the day's gain/loss.
Feel free to check my math at any time; that is why I provide the criteria to do so.
'Funds' and 'dates bought' can ONLY be verified in "namor's Vegas Boxer Account", the AUTHORITY on my TSP moves.
TSP prices can be verified at
Good luck in your investments.