MSCI EAFE Index Fund


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This reads simular to TSP I fund.

The iShares MSCI EAFE Index Fund invests in most of the same stocks listed in the MSCI EAFE Index. The Index was developed by Morgan Stanley Capital International Inc. as an equity benchmark for international stock performance. The Index includes stocks from Europe, Australasia, and the Far East.

It gives current Market Returns and Top Holding % and Top Sectors Industries %

ishares direct link to EFA Fund ticker:

Has anyone else visited this site?

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Hi Grableeddie-

I just took a quick peek. I'm not sure what you want to do with that site, just gather info on I fund?
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"Sorry to Wheels" I should have read his post on the 8 Mar. But the link will take you to the site he refers too. Ifyou goto the Home page select: Individual Investor: International Regional: Global: MSCI EAFE Index Fund: Quotes & Charts.


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Their daily EAFE quoteseems to be a day behind. The problem we have been seeing with these EAFE indexquotes is that they don't always reflect what we see in the I fund.

Today for instance, the I fund was down .02 but the EFA quote "" (cut and paste into a browser) shows EAFE IShares up .68%.
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The I fund ended up losing .02. Neither of the EAFE quotes were accurate. We are still confused by this.
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Tracking this fund is difficult. You really have to believe in a globally balanced portfolio to stick with it. The daily tracking error goes beyond annoying.