mojo's Account Talk

I went 100%G cob 2/14 but can't access my email to get password to update tracker.

Should be cob 2/13 today. Anyway I'm in 100G tomorrow but didn't get it in the tracker, was traveling and couldn't access my home pc email to get the password. From what I have read there is no way to correct that after 12:10pm?

Early OSMs are looking great so may have pulled out a bit early. I guess I will have some false gain in tracker if OSMs keep rolling. N300 +2.69 and climbing!
If I did a IFT now would I be in for COB Tues 19th? Someone did an after hour transfer in the tracker already and its showing COB Mon 18th.
While I was searching for an answer to my question below I came upon this. I guess some of the comments are from people here fighting this IFT limits battle.

I'm very surprised to see how hostile and angry some people are about others doing what is allowed and managing their own money. Some of these people seem to think that their money is being stolen by those doing IFTs.
This bailout of the financial institutions/lenders and low income individuals who couldn't afford a house in the 1st place is just another example of how the middle class responsible working class people are being squeezed.

Who gets bailed out? Bear Stearns etc. and low income people. Who's supposed to pay for it? At some point the rules make it more benificial to be one of the irresponsible than the responsible, we are quickly approaching this point so who will pay when the responsible people bail out?
I read this board everyday and I just wanted to thank everyone here who contributes their time and insight on a regular basis to make this mb such a great place to visit and learn from.

I've been in the tracker since the beginning of Feb but I stopped updating it on 10/2 because I forgot to update it in time. I got in 30C 70S for what I thought was a nice 1 day move the day of the original bailout. Went to G cob day of bailout so my actual loses since joining are in the single digits.

Had I not found this mb and started monitoring my savings and moving it to safety during most of the fall I would have lost a large portion of my money as many of my coworkers have.

I have been trying to follow optionman but I get impatient and make short moves on my own or I'm working and don't see his move. I was back in stocks 50G 20C 20S 10I the day after optionman went 100% I. I'm hoping to get to close to positive by the end of Dec.

Merry Christmas
I can only echo your thoughts and thanks to this MB. Thanks for the follow up, I was wondering why you haven't follow Optionman the last two months. I was too impatient myself and now too scared to move out of G due to the large swings. I did not follow Optionman this time and missed an oportunity right now. The information exchange on this MB at least makes me more informed and thus more aware of the events in the world. Thanks for the post, SteveTSP
I can only echo your thoughts and thanks to this MB. Thanks for the follow up, I was wondering why you haven't follow Optionman the last two months. I was too impatient myself and now too scared to move out of G due to the large swings. I did not follow Optionman this time and missed an oportunity right now. The information exchange on this MB at least makes me more informed and thus more aware of the events in the world. Thanks for the post, SteveTSP

I was scared to follow him on this move too hence only 50% and spread out. I was thinking 100-I, WHAT! Just about every move he makes doesn't look right to me but the results have been very nice and speak for themselves. When and if he rebalances in C and S I may throw some more in the pot.
I was scared to follow him on this move too hence only 50% and spread out. Just about every move he makes doesn't look right to me but the results have been very nice and speak for themselves. When and if he rebalances in C and S I may throw some more in the pot.

Mojo, I was thinking the same way, too. SteveTSP
Followed optionman all in now 65S 35C.

Best of luck with today's move. I am still thinking and working my thoughts. Not sure but I consider the move safe but trying to weigh the potential reward for risk. Thanks for the insight. SteveTSP
Went back to 100%G cob today. Won't be able to watch the market next few days and was afraid to leave it unatended. Pretty lucky day to exit. What a finish!
Anyone confident about a prediction for Friday?
bofa and citi report earnings, does it matter?
Dow and S&P futures up 1% right now.
OSMs up nice right now.

I'm all in and contemplating getting out cob tomorrow if it looks
good for a green finish at noon.
I'm thinking we'll finish up tomorrow (2%+ s&p) I'm not sure at all
about what will happen next Tues/inauguration? Any Ideas?
Anyone confident about a prediction for Friday?
bofa and citi report earnings, does it matter?
Dow and S&P futures up 1% right now.
OSMs up nice right now.

I'm all in and contemplating getting out cob tomorrow if it looks
good for a green finish at noon.
I'm thinking we'll finish up tomorrow (2%+ s&p) I'm not sure at all
about what will happen next Tues/inauguration? Any Ideas?

If it makes any difference, I'm thinking exactly like you - tomorrow up, who knows next week - ergo bail, let some other pig get fat or slaughtered.

The issue for me will be that I've been accumulating F, which has really gone way up fast, and that often goes inverse to CSI.

If I were to make a longer term bet, like next week, it would be "selling on the news, flight to safety" scenario on tues-weds. That could spike up F even more, so I may stay long(er) in F.

This week's ITF was one of the first for me that I hit right. I'll have to get better at this before I wade deep.
Thanks for the help amoeba. I need to take what's there and not get slaughtered though I wouldn't mind getting fat.

I'll have to get better at this before I wade deep.
I think I'm getting better only to find out I'm getting lucky.

Take care
I'm out. My original plan was to get in yesterday at 820 s&p or below then catch a bounce today. The gov decided to step in and save the day again, yay:confused:. I see no reason to stay in longer except maybe I'll get lucky and that's not enough.
Thanks for the help amoeba. I need to take what's there and not get slaughtered though I wouldn't mind getting fat.

I think I'm getting better only to find out I'm getting lucky.

Take care

whoa - mojo:

next time I give out advice, I'm going to listen to it myself; how does it feel being king of New York for the moment(i.e., the tracker, AAA #1!!!!)?
whoa - mojo:

next time I give out advice, I'm going to listen to it myself; how does it feel being king of New York for the moment(i.e., the tracker, AAA #1!!!!)?

I need to take a screen shot, it won't last long. I'll get greedy soon enough. Nice for the moment though. :)