mlk_man's sector signals


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I'veput together a little list of some of the different sectors and my current signals for each FYI. I'll post as the signals change.

Energy(XLE)- Hold


Gold (GLD)- Hold

Health Care(VHT)- Hold

Semi-conductor(SMH)- Hold

Bonds(AGG)- SOLD

Small Caps(IWM)- Hold

Large Caps(IVW)- Hold

Internationals(EFA)- Hold

Australia(EWA)- Hold

Japan(EWJ)- Hold

Biotechnology(DNA)- Hold

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I have put together a little portfolio of companies from different sectors and I will track them here also. My reason for doing this is that one can put together there own diversifiedportfolio using individual companies and obtain better returns than a typical stock fund. This can be done in a Roth or IRA also.

These are my present companies, sector, and current prices:

LSI (semiconductor) $10.01

AEOS (retail) $26.68

SWN (energy) $56.95

RGLD (gold) $25.89

GERN (biotech) $11.74

FRK (large cap construction materials) $57.60

Let's say I have $1000 in each. I'll be selling them as I get signals from tracking the relevent indices or ETF's. If I sell I consider that money to be sitting in a "cash" position unless I buy another company from another sector. I'll also be using COB prices so one's actual return will vary according to what time of the day you buy or sell.

Current account worth: $6000
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mlk_man wrote:
I'veput together a little list of some of the different sectors and my current signals for each FYI. I'll post as the signals change.

Energy(XLE)- Hold


Gold (GLD)- Hold

Health Care(VHT)- Hold

Semi-conductor(SMH)- Hold

Bonds(AGG)- SOLD

Small Caps(IWM)- Hold

Large Caps(IVW)- Hold

Internationals(EFA)- Hold

Australia(EWA)- Hold

Japan(EWJ)- Hold

Biotechnology(DNA)- Hold

Little mistake here. The biotech ETF I'll actually be tracking is IBB not DNA.
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Have some signals for pretty much everything but gold right now. I'll be selling everything except my gold stock today and just leave it in cash.