Why This Recession Is Hitting Men Harder
Wall Street Journal - Jul 2, 2009
The 2.5 percentage-point gap between men's unemployment rate of 10.5% in May and women's 8% rate is the highest it's ever been since records were kept in 1948.
"The gap between female and male unemployment has never been as large as it is now," said Sophia Koropeckyj, an economist with Moody's Economy.com.
It's not hard to see why. Two male-dominated industries - construction and manufacturing - account for half of the 6 million jobs lost since the recession started in December 2007 and both industries started shedding jobs before that.
"Every industry is contracting, but these industries have taken the brunt," Koropeckyj said. Given that men account for 87% of workers in manufacturing and 71% in construction, it's not surprising that men's unemployment rate is rocketing past women's rate.
The only two private-sector industries to show a net increase in jobs from the start of the recession through May are health care and education - and women workers are highly concentrated in both.
Also, government has shown a net job gain of 259,000 in that period, and 57% of government workers are women.
Women's unemployment rate was 4.7% in January 2008; men's was 5.1%.
Heidi Shierholz, an economist at the Economic Policy Institute, said the net gain in health-care jobs is slowing, partly because millions of Americans have lost not only their jobs but their employer-provided insurance and thus are ratcheting down their health-care spending.
The education sector is also looking less solid, due mainly to state budget crises. "Education is losing jobs now," Shierholz said, though "not nearly as dramatically as other" industries.
"With construction, it's a little bit more complicated because many of those workers were immigrants who then returned to their countries when the jobs dried up. It's not as easy to see what will happen there," Koropeckyj said.