Welcome to the boards, Maui!! (R u in Maui, or some other connection?)
I have written lots of time to new TSP'ers. Maybe I can give you a little different perspective on how you might want to do your allocations.
I have been in TSP/FERS since its inception, having transferred in from CSRS. In the early years I set up all in equities (C,S,I) and just put as much in as possible....using Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) as my investment plan. No matter if the market went up or down, if it went down I just was able to buy at lower prices. And when you are just starting out, you have plenty of time for the market to recover from any downturns.
As you get closer to retirement, you don't have as much time to recover so you need to be a little more careful (of course I am now 45%C and 55%S

Just look at this year. If you went all C and left it there the whole year, you would be in the top 50 on the AutoTracker (#27 actually) at 12%! Not too shabby....Plus you would have gotten add'l $ from the DCA'ing!!

Even if you were in C and S all year, u would be at 10%, #62. Or all S, 6.4%. Or 20% each, 4.9%. And again, for all of these, you would have significantly more from the DCA.
The Key when you are starting out is to just put in as much as you can. Moving it around a lot can be detrimental.
At least it is something to consider. (This is the time for Birchtree to chime in also!) :blink: