Lobo's Account Talk

"O, Great Spirit, help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence."

A Cherokee Prayer
A warm spring day, lying on a forest bed of warm, golden, brown pine needles as you hear God's breath whisper through the pines has got to be one of His most cherished blessings. Thank you Creator!

Lobo :)
"O, Great Spirit, help me always to speak the truth quietly, to listen with an open mind when others speak, and to remember the peace that may be found in silence."

A Cherokee Prayer

I'd say that is the essense of the Native American

The Ojabway (or Chippewa) who I studied extensively would share the same view.

Am way behind ~~ so if I don't make it back have a wonderful weekend.

Am looking forward to your story .... and please follow with the same degree of openess and expansiveness.

Later my freind --- that's a beautiful prayer.


AMEN !!! to the last post ;)
Are you a musician

Well I'll probably sounds pretty flipped out here but...

Music has very much been deeply grounded in my existence from as far back as I can remember....

....I stated playing guitar shortly after The Beatles came on the scene and played Bob Dylan and all the stuff other groups played...

...then a Native American (partly N.A.) came on the scene and totally changed my life. He was the embodyment of music and I kid you not ~~ he was like a god and I'd never seen anyone play the guitar the way he did. It was like he made the guitar part of his being and the music simply flowed out... and that's when everything changed for me....

..until the point I fell under 'Jimi's Spell' -- I played like all the other muscians -- with my mind and the instrument was 'seperate' from me. Overtime I grew to be more and more like him.

So as weird and 'far out' as it might sound -- I am the embodyment of music itself and when I play guitar it is without any effort or thought or whatever -- it simply flows out of me and it's a natural creation of many different sounds.

I now believe MUSIC is in everything and in everyone and it's part of the Universal Design. If everything could be broken down to the lowest elements I believe all the protons and neutrons would equally be largely transformed into musical frequencies and colors. Nothing -- anywhere -- is not somehow a part of music -- even energy itself.

So I am a musician in everyway imaginable -- not only in how I play but all the more in how I perceive things in life and nature itself.

wow -- only one more question to go --- and about 10 charts left
Good Morning everyone !! This is in response to a few PMs:

Predators are real, in the wild as well as in the cities. We have real predators around here, in the woods, as well as towns. There is a live pack of 10 wolves that came to live this year in the country. There are videos of them going through timber and snow. Cougars and bears too. They are not our friends.

An 18-year old girl musician was recently attacked and killed by a pack of coyotes on an island up in Nova Scotia territory while out on a day hike by herself. It happens. Two cougar attacks -even while other people were nearby.

Animals are animals. We won't have lions laying down with lambs until the new earth arrives. Deer yes, other herbivores, yes. Predators are a whole different case. They have their place in Gods creation and they are beautiful, but they were created to do what they do.

I bought my wife a cedar flute. She played it while we were on a canoe trip. She played to a pack of wolves and they responded on cue with sounds I had never heard before. The adults and the pups sang/howled/growled like they were from another planet.

I was walking the other side of the island and wondered why it sounded like she was next to me. Well, the cedar trees were resonating accross the island from the sound of music from there own skin/kin. Same trip

Mother earth- I just need to be receptive to whats here/there...

First -- Thank you for the wonderful PMs.

Please know I believe our primary goal from the very beginning was to be in Harmony with our Planet and all LIFE and more over with the Universe itself. I am well aware of Predators and their wiring and there need to be free to live Life as they were meant to live it. \

Surly all species of LIFE have an equal right to enjoy our Planet as GOD intended and the only Species that has majorly screwed up are human beings.

As both of you mentioned wolves - the only way to really know the wolves on the level we need to known them is to live with them and be a part of their pack. A man has recently written a book about this after dedicating years of his life to 'being a wolf'. Some things he learned is that they take care of their own and they have a 'pecking order' -- as does almost every other species. The ones who do the most (are at the top) and get the best pieces once the kill is made. The man got the lesser pieces but still had enough to survive for years with subsequent kills. They kill to survive and they work together as a means of cooperation and protection and remaining a thriving community.

My admiration and respect for the wolves, cougars, bear, and all the other wonderful 'Predators' is not to lay down with them and sweet talk them and give them the super duper treatment like I do Ella, my perfect dog; it is wholly to understand them better so 'I don't interfere'. I believe the more we understand 'Their right to exist' and why they were made the way they were -- the more we as a civilization would do everything possible to co-exist with them in a harmonious way.

I believe the reason why we have miles and miles of fishing nets killing everything that exists, why the redwoods are now down to 5% of what they were, why the 'rain forests' are disappearing, and why 'we' continue to force species after species out of their habitat is because 'we' have never taken the time to honestly evaluate what makes them sacred and why 'Harmony' is superior to any other way. We destroy the oceans and almost anything we touch and never seem willing to accept the long term consequences until it's too late.

Only now is our civilization beginning to build 'Green' and do things like they should have thousands of years in the past. Had the world civilization had more the Native American mindset they would not have destoyed 95% of their habitat and 'ruined' everything but they would have worked in harmony with it. Polution would largely not exist because they would never have filled the streams with poisons.

The BOTTOM LINE is I would never try to infringe on the Predators but at the same time I could hardly imagine anything more beautiful than playing a 'cedar flute' and having a huge pack of wolves join in.
Well, I've got a lot to catch up on this morning --- so have a great day all.
"When we indians kill meat, we eat it all up. When we dig roots, we make little holes. When we build houses, we make little holes. When we burn grass for grasshoppers, we don't ruin things. We shake down acorns and pine nuts. We don't chop down the trees. We only use dead wood. But, the White people plow up the ground, pull down the trees, kill everything...the White people pay no attention...How can the spirit of the earth like the White man?...everywhere the White man has touched it, it is sore."

Wintu Woman, 19th Century

What do you do to find peace in the middle of tenseness?

Of all your questions this is undoubtedly the most comprehensive.

Animals are animals. We won't have lions laying down with lambs until the new earth arrives. Deer yes, other herbivores, yes. Predators are a whole different case.

First and foremost I have faith in GOD -- that GOD is bigger and greater and more perfect than anything we could ever know or even remotely imagine. That belief, more than anything else, not only gives me peace but rarely lets tension in my life.

Very close to that Belief is the grounding in the Basics: A safe warm home, food, and a family in good health. Having the 'freedom' I have to enjoy these things makes everything else essentially meaningless. Maintaining a 'good living' elimates tension and I honestly to a very great extent have no worries.

I try to eat well and get a good night's sleep.

Deep relationships built in trust, hope, love, and faith are like healing whirlpools that sooth over every hurt and make them disappear forever. So that is very central to everything else.

Lastly -- this is my most recent core belief for tension on the MB

We have 'Predators and Herbivores'.

If I can boil everything down to this ~~ it makes it essentially impossible for me to be part of the tension.

Humans are largely wired like 'Predators' -- and wheather it's political or social injustices -- wheather it remotely or indirectly impacts on them or there is even the projection it may have (or had) 'negative consequences' I would say a Predator is always on the Prowl. A Predator is always on the lookout -- always ready to spring to action -- always ready to defend it's turf - and will never fail to take a stand.

It's taken a very long time for me to see things as I do and to deal with them accordingly. I will strive to be a Herbivore as nothing can better keep me from getting caught up in controversial issues and the tension they create.

So that is my 'New Year's Resolution' which I've already set into practice.

The way I deal with it is by finding ways to overcome it - to avoid it - to confront it and resolve it.

Well that's wraps it up and these were excellent questions !!

So what's your story in its multiple shades and splendor -- in the hardships and the triumps - in all the ways nature and life have interacted with you and helped to mold you as you are? What are the various milestones along your journey and how did each of them impact on who you are and what you represent? What made the ones most notably stand out from the rest ?
Well, I moved totally to G this morning, but didn't get it on the tracker in time...but, that's of little consequence. :)

SteadyGain....great responses....I've enjoyed reading all of them. I do not have the talent for such excellent and artistic verbosity (Did I make that word up? hee), nor generally the energy required to put forth such a volume....but, I certainly have enjoyed reading yours.

We think a lot alike in the great majority of what exists. I'm sure that may be why I enjoyed it so much. You're like a poet, and can put it in ways that I can nod in approval to, but not necessarily produce myself.

I'm still sorta on "vacation" with the holidays, and have to have some sort of "inspiration" at the time of writing to really get crankin, as we say down here in the land of the Good Ole Boys. :) Sooooo, I'll not write any tonite, but wanted to acknowledge your kind efforts in relaying your mind to me/us. But, I'll come back when the time is right and at least do some occasional nibbling at the table of the inner self with ya. Yep, I'll be back, and around here, some more. Just hang on, and in the meantime, keep writing, will ya?? You just might "inspire" a seed of thought in this good ole boy!

Lobo :)
Well, I think we're supposed to post something once in a while to stay active. I see I forgot to mention that I put 50% into the F-fund awhile back...the rest is in G.

I've been badly wanting to get "IN" for a while now. All my marvelous analyzing of everyone else's charts and opinions has resulted in this great advice to my "gut".......NOT YET! The time will come.....be patient. I'm not dissapointed to be in the positive and at about .80% as of tonite. That at least pays for my monthly withdrawal...and more. TSP tells me that last year was a 13.2% year. I know I could have made a lot more than that last year.....but, I'd be quite happy to make that much this year. Good luck to all!!!!!

That's all! :)

F-fund future is not looking good to me, so, rather than totally bail to the G, I wish to play with at least some slight "excitement", I'll take this little pullback today, and put 30% in the S and 70% in the G. Trying to be a little conservative, since I'm retired.....and tired! :)

Lobo :)
well....it may seem foolish, but, I'm buying a little "C" fund to go with my "S" fund at the "discounted" price today. :)

Going 50G 20C 30S

Lobo :)
Looks like I won't get as "discounted" a price as I would have liked, but, I'll take it.

The market appears to still be strong. I think I've been missing out by being so conservative....waiting the on the "big" pullback. We'll see.

Lobo :)
I'm taking some profits today! My "fear"....is the lack of fear indicated by the VIX.....and the somewhat overbought conditions and low volume. Went 85G, 15S. Have got 2.23% so far this year....and that is more than I'm drawing out for retirement. Don't want to get greedy, just maintain....and grow the account so that it outlives me! :)

It is my first IFT for the month, so I have one more to get back in when the, I hope, temporary, pullback occurs. I think that may happen in the next day or two for a few days....then, I'll glady return to more fully invested!!

Good luck to all!!!!!

Lobo :)
I have to admit, I'm certainly enjoying this bull! Been mostly in for a while now...but, thinking I finally need to maybe take a little off the table this next week before he turns on me in a "bad" way!! I still have 2 ifts for this month....so, we'll see.

Good Luck out there!!

Lobo :)