kar crazy's Account Talk

still holding on rusting away:eek:, turnakit worked for today , Thanks Norm for the bandages:laugh: see you all tomorrow :blink::nuts:
waiting to trade in old beaters as soon as they get oboma to sign off:confused: , im going to drag my suburban out of woods cant get 1000.00 out right but if they give me $4500.00 for the clunker she is gone:laugh::D
We're headed over to a friends house, he's slow cooking a PIG, About a 40 pounder should be great!!:D Pig_roast.gif
Head off!! Was really good, tender and tasty!! He just finished building his new smoker, it worked!!winepoor.gif
baby backs were great very meaty, hot links were hot ( just right ) , and chicken man should have bought more chicken breast was hit hard , but of course i snuck some trout on smoker along with deer sausage link, man i am stuffed. all i needed was fried okra:D and a nap