kar crazy's Account Talk

Re: car crazy's Account Talk

I'm with you WW (Hi CC!!)...My timing has not been "spot on" the last few weeks. I'm still holding 50 in G...but I don't want to play it yet..I don't feel like we're at bottom..

Those slimeballs involved in the sub-prime like to time their negative announcements just when the market looks to the positive an WHAMMO!!!

I'm getting tired of WHAMMO...and I don't think we've heard it all yet..

I'm waiting for a signal..make that a few signals that say we're out of the woods on this mess...until then..I'm sucking it up, licking my wounds, and hrading to G....

I think these cretans are gonna suck some more blood out of us tomorrow..


GL to You Guys!!!

Re: car crazy's Account Talk

Hey CC, When will the bleeding stop? This has been brutal the last few weeks. Like Tom says, Just when you cant stand no more pain, That's when the market will head back up. Hang in there or better yet" Get Right and sit Tight....:nuts: Oh BTW, that was the best deer jerky you have made yet. It's got a nice kick to it.
i am thinking i will sit tight dont have much a$$ left to sit on:Dride the storm out for now ,thanks still have some more jerky over here man i watched 7 deer saturday but could not even get the bow ready cant wait for rifle season then maybe i can reach out and touch one of themG L TO ALL
still in the SSsssnake pit too busy actually working and meetings all morning :notrust:man they are killing me today:D

Wassup neighbor?

I was stuck in the I rut for the last 6 days..Finally found the opening to jump to G/F for tomorrow..wish you luck bro.;)

thanks i am going to ride this train a little longer win loose or draw i hate to bail just yeat G L speaking of rutt i hope that big buck stick his head out saturday 7 walked up on me last saturday just not close enough for bow should be no problem this weekend 30/30 or SKS HMMM:D
well saturday had a 6 point but was a three point when i bagged him he must have been a heck of a fighter field dressed 135# not much fat to speak of:notrust:mild winter or they have not started building fat for winter just yeat
i was away from computer family crises:mad: but sure looked great when i logged in i am still in Snake pit and for now still look to be lovin it still have along way to climb i hope try not to look at $ cause i am still kinda hurting:blink: hoping DEC is a great month GO SOONERS:D

What game did you watch? Missouri self-destructed in the 4th quarter. OU should worry they don't self-destruct this Saturday!
Gotta admit I'm a GO SOONERS kind a guy...but I always supported my friends from Missouri...BUT Never those TEXANS
