jpcavin's Account Talk

With all the political posts going on, I wanted to remind everyone that there are only '44' more days left until Christmas!!!:cheesy:
Are we allowed to say "Christmas" again? Oh joy, joy, joy...

Let the news be spread, the wicked witch at last is dead...:banana:
Left-wing censorship strikes again...What part of 'NOT POLITICAL' is that difficult to understand?...By the deletion of my last post here simply demonstrates and expresses condoning of illegal and criminal acts against this country.....very sad and pathetic
I'd like to know which MOD keeps deleting posts from my thread. Am I being censored????? This reminds me of the Pledge of Allegiance. It was taken away from schools because it offended the atheists. How about my rights?
Like who, and why not? The only people who don't have access are those who have not asked, or have been kicked out because they could not follow the rules.

I wasn't implying that they are not allowed to have access. Just saying that because they don't have access (whether of their own choosing or not), they miss out on some of the humor that goes on in the political thread.