JonFresno's Account Talk

I feel your pain JFO. I got in on 11/4, so I am in the same boat. Don't want to lock in that loss. Eventually the bottom will be declared and we start heading back up. The question is how long will it take just to break even???
That's the question, when do we break even.

And now DWCPF (S fund) broke nelow 1,000. Gotta put something good on the bedroom ceiling since I'll be staring at it all weekend.....

Hopefully both the markets and the RAVENS rebound. It's been a rough year for both. Still can't believe they called a penalty on Dan Brown's touchdown catch. He was a bright spot in the preseason. Hope he makes the most of his opportunity.
You and me both JF! Best of luck to us. I know there is a Santa rally looking to find us and I wish he's show up. Currently just hoping to recoup 80% of what I've lost and I'll consider it a gift. I haven't lost this much since 2008. You're not alone in this. There are several of us in a similar position.

Sure do wish my Rabbi taught me to...

Sell Chanukah - buy Christmas.

Guess we'll have to see about the 'Buy Christmas' part, but selling Chanukah this year could've saved a bundle....

1) Hold on tight, don't lock in a loss
2) Get out, hope it goes lower and get back in
3) Jump off the roof

I'm heading to the stairwell.... At least I'll get some excercise before I Jump.
I've been a ContrarianJeff stalker for about three years. Seems like his autotracker hibernation might be over. If you read this, good luck! Looks like 2016 will test the 'ol navigation skills..:smile:
Alright, I held tight for what seemed like an eternity. After 3+ months of "creating" bricks in me undies, and if the market doesn't collapse this afternoon, I'll be oh so slightly in the black for this year.

After riding this thing out, hope I didn't bolt too soon. It just seemed everyone was jumping in. At some point someone's going to pee in the pool.

Good luck to all!
A little Bi!$^ & Moaninging..

Anyone else majorly disappointed by the change to Google Fiance? I loved seeing my tickers along the left side with the three major indices in the center and the foreign markets on the right side. I also liked how you didn't have to log into your Google account to see the stocks you want on the left side. I liked the charts, all that stuff.

Oh well. I guess I'll have to login and play with it some more...
I hear ya. It irked me as well. First yahoo finance went south and now it's google finance. Anybody have any other sites that provided this kind of service without jumping through a bunch of hoops?
Has anyone figured out how to follow stocks from your prior portfolio(s)? I can see the stocks and have tried to select some a few times but I have 2 in my list, one I think I selected from the list underneath. This makes no sense.
Follow stocks from your Portfolios to add to Your stocks. Your Portfolios will be available until March.