Jobs Report Contest - March 2016

292k, 4.8%.

the banker blood money ticks can't wait much longer, the fed needs to raise rates so they can finally get paid for carrying all the dirty debt. but the fed can't raise rates if the picture looks bleak and the market has no confidence. what better way to destroy market confidence in perpetual free money herion? paint the picture rosy.

so this will be a blow out jobs gain and unemployment down 'surprise', and then the hounds come in to feast when the market fears a rate hike. because good news for main street is bad news for wall street, and we all know who is driving this bus.
Actual: +215,000, 5.0%

215000... 4.9%...

Nice job, pamkk! Right on the number.


Please PM or email me your shipping info!

Thank you for playing, everyone!

US Gains 215,000 Jobs in March, Unemployment Rises to 5 Pct. - ABC News