Jan 21 Market Comments


Well-known member
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Hey Tom, you may want to edit the following to read what you meant to say:

The only thing worse than being in the market when it is going down, is being in when it is going down and missing the rebound.

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Forgive me if I misunderstood you. But did you mean to say:

The only thing worse than being in the market when it is going down, is beingout when it is goingup and missing the rebound.
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Rod wrote:
Hey Tom, you may want to edit the following to read what you meant to say:

The only thing worse than being in the market when it is going down, is being in when it is going down and missing the rebound.
Maybe it should read:

The only thing worse than being in the market when it is going down, is being in when it is going down, then missing the rebound.

Does that make more sense? Thanks. I"ll make the change.