Is a membership to NARFE worth it?


I am currious if you are a member and if you find the membership is worth it?

National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association (NARFE)

Your Membership Benefits Include:
  • Assertive legislative representation on federal and state levels;
  • Liaison with the Office of Personnel Management to help retirees and survivors with their benefits;
  • Informative monthly magazine, Retirement Life, the prime source for information about federal retirement and health care issues;
  • Up-to-date information through and NARFE e-mail;
  • United network of support with other federal employees and retirees;
  • Opportunities for leadership, political action and community service;
  • Health, life, dental, auto and long-term care insurance programs;
  • Travel packages, group tours and discounts through NARFE Travel Services;
  • NARFE Visa card program;
  • Moving services, etc.
Hey Guys,

I’m a member of NARFE and have about 8 to 9 years to retirement. The magazine is very informative and that alone is worth the price to me. They seem to be very active in representing the fed employees at the federal and state levels. As for the benefits regarding the retired fed employee, I’m not at that point yet, so I really haven’t looked into them. For the $25 price, it’s worth it to me and I pass it around the office and folks seem to almost always find something of interest to them.

Hope this helps,
the Feb '07 issue has listings by states of the states' tax treatment of Fed Annuities for tax year 2006.
the latest Hotline e-newsletter says March issue has info on omb & opm not applying for susidy for FEHBP ; also on bill to provide pay parity between fed civilian and uniformed military personnel; and on bills affecting SS gov't Pension offset and Windfall Elimination Provision.
Check out for all the links -
One member I spoke to said it was worth the membership just to get the magazine. Every month there is a Q&A section that deals with current questions and concerns. These are often the same questions others would have, or haven't yet thought of.

Also, it's not just for the retired anymore...

I'm thinking I will join this year.
It's well worth the price to join NARFE. I joined for three years the month before my retirement, in September 2005. There is a bigger discount for current federal employees so I joined while still employed. The magazine has great articles that are of interest to both federal employees and annuitants. There are discounts for hotels and car rentals (15-20%).

I don't attend any of the local meetings so I cannot attest to being involved in the politics. But, NAFE does send emails monthly on the status of current NARFE initiatives, and the COLA countdown for FERS and CSRS annuitants.