IRAN, the sequel


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Preemptive war against Iran is growing very close. As a result, I suggest moving to the G fund within the next few weeks. Don't be fooled into thinking that this would be an Isreal-only operation, as Iran has repeatedly warned they would strike many targets including Israel's Dimona nuclear area if anyone - including a "lone" Israel, attacked it. We would be sucked into the operation. In addition, it is widely believed Iran will strike oil fields inside SA, and probably oil tankers in the Persian gulf.,,251-1846793,00.html
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Oceansideguy wrote:
Preemptive war against Iran is growing very close. As a result, I suggest moving to the G fund within the next few weeks. Don't be fooled into thinking that this would be an Isreal-only operation, as Iran has repeatedly warned they would strike many targets including Israel's Dimona nuclear area if anyone - including a "lone" Israel, attacked it. We would be sucked into the operation. In addition, it is widely believed Iran will strike oil fields inside SA, and probably oil tankers in the Persian gulf.,,251-1846793,00.html
and everyone in the USwould say "what was that guys name Patrick Fitz...what??"
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I think it's the UN's turn. After the "Oil for Food" fiasco, maybe they could save a little face. Hey France, Russia, and Germany, YOUR UP!!
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mlk_man wrote:
I think it's the UN's turn. After the "Oil for Food" fiasco, maybe they could save a little face. Hey France, Russia, and Germany, YOU'RE UP!!
Yeah, sure! just like the Islam countries take care of their own after the Tusnami, the earthquakes ....

FROM TEK"S article: Iran’s chargé d’affaires in London was called to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office to be told of Britain’s outrage. Iranian diplomats were subjected to similar protests in other capitals.

Yeah - like the Japanese Ambassador sitting in the Oval Office telling Pres Roosevelt that, No, Japan wanted nothing but peaceful measuresin the same 24hours that Pearl was bombed -

BKROWND wrote: Excuse me while I consult my copy of Nostradamus....

Yeah, like Nostradamus' predictions have 100% accuracy. And since they haven't been, that means you still have to go 50-50 on anything you `consult him' for, because you have no way of knowing whether your current question will be plus or negative.

I do know this: there is a book with 100% fullfilment of its prophecies. One of them states that if you aren't aligned with Israel you are in trouble.

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Nostradamus don't josh, man, and he gave me his super secret for-my-eyes-only prophecies through the Ouija board in 1979. Uh....hoooboy, that's right it's almost 2006! Uh, gotta go get that pallet of SPAM for the shelt...uh...yeah, later guys...
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grandma wrote:
I do know this: there is a book with 100% fullfilment of its prophecies. One of them states that if you aren't aligned with Israel you are in trouble.
Is it really an either/or proposition? Is there any room for neutrality?

Switzerland is neutral on the issue and they don't seem to besuffering much trouble for their decision to NOT align themselves with Israel. Their aircraft are relatively safe to fly on and their tall buildings are relatively safe to conduct business in. They don't have suicide bombers blowing themselves up in their shopping malls and they are not having to constantly look over their shoulders and wonder if a car bomb is going toblow theminto the next world. They don't seem overly preoccupied with worry about suitcase nukes nordo theyhave color codedthreat warning systems to proda fearfulpopulace into buying plasticsheetsandduct tape. If they had a color coded threatwarningsystem they would have included the color blue for the expectation of peace.

Israel may be God's chosen people, but they also make mistakes. One of those mistakes cost them 40 years of wandering in the wilderness.

Our loyalty to our government,our church, our family, our neighbors,and our friends should not be blind loyalty, but loyalty based on truth, principles, and purpose. That means, at times, our paths maydiverge. Since so much of the U.S. activity in the Mideast has been based on lies versus truth, you know where I stand on that issue.

What really muddies the water on this issue is the convergence of politics and religion not only over there but here in this country as well. They don't really mix well,in my opinion.

I realize this can be a sensitive issue for some and my intentionisn't to be offensive. Isimply believe there has to be a better way to interact with our neighbors than pre-emptively taking them out because we hear them whispering in the corner.

I know some are convinced Iraq has or did haveWMD. Whether they did or didn't is not an issue with me. I'm more worried about those who not only have WMD butalso have a documented history ofactually using them against civilian populations (Hiroshima/Nagasaki) in the past. I'm not sure the U.S. can hold itself up as a righteousexample to the world when it comes to the subject of WMD.The U.S.actions in Japan meet the popular definition of terrorism.

One way to avoid getting sucked into such foolishness is to avoid pacts and alliances with our neighbors. Therefore, if our neighbors do something really stupid we haven't commited ourselves to awrong course of action based onblind loyalty. And, if our neighborsaren't relying on our blind loyalty to rescuethem from their stupid decisions maybe they will learn to be a littlemore responsible andthoughtful in their interactions with their fellow man.

We have to ask ourselves if our continual meddling in the affairs of others is contributing to peace or conflict in the world. If we seem to have more conflict, maybe it is time for another approach.
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In war it does not take two to tango. There will be a fight with Iran if any one state wants it. If none do, there will be no fight.And remember: once the fighting starts there is no telling how it will end.

Your next-to-last paragraph is the argument applied after WWI. The result is clear and forms the basis of the modern system of alliances and trade blocs. Closer mutual ties is the order of the day. The system has prevented a major war since 1937so we can say it has been successful.

Still, it seems like these regional wars just keep going and going. I don't know what the answer is. Today I read a news story on the beheading of three schoolgirls in Indonesia. This is seen as advancing some political cause, which says something about us all.
