IRA to TSP and/or TSP to IRA?


New member
I know that I can transfer funds from an IRA into the TSP while I am working, but will I still be allowed to do that after I am retired?

The IRA was originally an employer plan that I rolled over to an IRA when I left the company.

I have not yet done anything so far as withdrawls from the TSP. I am still working.
Will retire at the end of March.

Another option that I am considering is to roll part of my TSP over to an IRA, and then if I do not like the results roll it, and/or some other IRA'S, back into the TSP. Allowed??? Verboten???

Thanks for any information.
I know that I can transfer funds from an IRA into the TSP while I am working, but will I still be allowed to do that after I am retired?

The IRA was originally an employer plan that I rolled over to an IRA when I left the company.

I have not yet done anything so far as withdrawls from the TSP. I am still working.
Will retire at the end of March.

Another option that I am considering is to roll part of my TSP over to an IRA, and then if I do not like the results roll it, and/or some other IRA'S, back into the TSP. Allowed??? Verboten???

Thanks for any information.

I'm gonna ask basically the same question..
After I retire can I take all my TSP monies and roll them into some IRA account without penalties, mainly so I can keep putting cash away deferred from taxes?
I'm gonna ask basically the same question..
After I retire can I take all my TSP monies and roll them into some IRA account without penalties, mainly so I can keep putting cash away deferred from taxes?
You have to consider age and income in your decision. Remember that 59 1/2 is magical and 72 becomes the nightmare. Really it comes own to budget. Do you need monies to live or not. If you do not need the money, all qualified plans can be moved without penalties. Just don't think the "ROTH" is qualified.

Also, remember your tax brackets. You should try and top out at the 15% no matter what. After you retire, you will have income from your annuity. Try to stay level. Remember to also keep an eye on Social Security and whether it will affect you. Also, if you have enough and want to protect it....start a trust in your beneficiaries interest and "hide" money there. A Financial Planner should help and if you can, try and find a TSP seminar.
I know that I can transfer funds from an IRA into the TSP while I am working, but will I still be allowed to do that after I am retired?
The IRA was originally an employer plan that I rolled over to an IRA when I left the company.

Hunkered, I am just now seeing your February post re: your retirement in March. I would suppose by now you have found you are able to roll a tax-deferred IRA into the TSP after retirement. There was quite a hassle when I did mine, took several months because the company holding the IRA did not want to follow the rules of the TSP folks. It did finally get accomplished. I hope you were able to get yours done w/o alot of flack!

What did you find out from the TSP folks about switching back & forth? I would have a feeling they would be a bit irritated with that request......

GL with whatever you are doing with your life at this time....grandma:)