Insurance question help please



I'm retired and have the federal insurance family plan. My youngest child just turned 26. I want to change from family to just couple plan. I've searched everywhere and can't find the form and procedure. I've even called OPM several times, but just get a recording saying call back later, we are too busy.

Any help appreciated!

I'm retired and have the federal insurance family plan. My youngest child just turned 26. I want to change from family to just couple plan. I've searched everywhere and can't find the form and procedure. I've even called OPM several times, but just get a recording saying call back later, we are too busy.

Any help appreciated!
I'd suggest contacting your FEDERAL Congressional Representative for assistance. Offering assistance concerning FEDERAL agencies is a standard thing they do and I've used them many times over the years with a 100% success rate. They work for you!
You are one of their constituents.
Good Luck! :)

I'm retired and have the federal insurance family plan. My youngest child just turned 26. I want to change from family to just couple plan. I've searched everywhere and can't find the form and procedure. I've even called OPM several times, but just get a recording saying call back later, we are too busy.

Any help appreciated!
I know I just called OPM, I don't think they needed any forms to be filled out when son turned 26 (they had his age) and my plan changed to single automatically. I do remember that they said he was covered for 1 month/30 days after. I know with my plan there was not much difference between family & self+1 so I never changed from family plan until then. Worst case is that you will have to wait until Open Season see

Changes You Can Make Outside of Open Season​

They really do not address children aging out, but technically it would fall under "You or a family member lose FEHB or other coverage"
Thank you for the replies. I'm taking them all into consideration.

@evilanne: I thought perhaps it would happen automatically, I hope you are right and it did!

@nasa1974: I don't see what I need on this form, did you see a way to change insurance for a lifetime event?

Thanx in advance to all.
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