I'm changing jobs, should I keep TSP or roll it over?


New member
I'm 59 and looking at retirement in 6-10 years. I have decided to change jobs. What are the implications of rolling over TSP? Should I just leave it alone and not roll it oer? Does FERS go with me or do I lose that when I leave my Federal job? My new job has 7% matching so I will be starting another retirement fund. Any questions I should be asking? Advice? :dunno:
FERS-you can't take it with you. Unless you have at least 10 years under FERS under your belt. Can't take health insurance with you tho. You would have to wait til age 60 to draw FERS, or else take a 10% hit on that annuity (-5% each year til you hit 62).

If you wait til you are 60, and have at least 20 years FERS under your belt, you can go out with both FERS (no reduction) and take fed health insurance with you.


Me-I can go out at 59.5 +30 years service, or wait til age 60 and have 30.5 years service. no reduced FERS, and can take health insurance with me. But I plan to stay til 62, if they can afford to keep me that long. tenuous budget situation staring my outfit in the face.