IFT Trouble Today?

Alright everyone, quit logging into the tracker so I can get on, it's my turn now! :D
at 10 minutes before the pumpkin hour I was accessing my account at tsp.gov.
A pop-up came up wanting me to update the adobe reader. I pushed it aside, & tried to get the pass into my account: the laptop froze up -
:DI don't guess that counts for not even getting to do the ift At All??? :D

:rolleyes: shooot - no sympathetics here....

View attachment 9271
OK, thanks. There seems to be a slowdown if several people are accessing the leader board at the same time.

I hope it didn't affect your IFT. If so, let me know.

Thanks again

No it didn't, but I figured I'd let you know in case someone else had the same problem and was unable to get back on a computer in time. I noticed BigJohn mentioned something on his tracker allocation, but the details are a bit scetchy. When I saw that, I figured I should say something.
OK, thanks. There seems to be a slowdown if several people are accessing the leader board at the same time.

I hope it didn't affect your IFT. If so, let me know.

Thanks again
Tom, FYI

I had trouble getting into the tracker this morning, about an hour before the cutoff, for maybe 5 minutes. All other TSP forum links worked fine, just not the tracker portion.


Staff member
The site was having some technical problems near today's (4/27) trading deadline. If you tried to post a transfer in the AutoTracker near the 12 noon ET today, but it did not go through, go ahead and make the transfer and I will change the time of your IFT so it gets the COB 4/27 date.

Thanks, and sorry for the trouble.