I need advice...


New member
I need some advice. I am panning on retiring anywhere between end of January to late April in 2015. I have left my TSP funds allocated wholly in the S, C, and I funds. IN the last 30 days or so I have lost about $23,000.00. Should I pull out now and dump in either the G or the L-Income? In 2008 I pulled out of these same funds and dumped all into G at what turned out to be the bottom, and put back in to the S, C, and I funds and therfore too late to recover as quickly. This has made me gun shy to dump into the G this time.

IF the market recovers, am I likely to recoup the losses I have so far by the time I retire? If not, should I just bail out now to stop the "bleeding"?

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Hello GreenSpectre, and welcome! Are you depending on the TSP for your retirement income, or is it just a supplement to a full pension?

That may help determine how aggressive or defensive you want to be.
Agree with the first response and ask:
1. How much do you need in TSP to support your retirement plan?
2. Are you going to move money to achieve better results in retirement?

I would not get too crazy with moving money. The risk at this point you have already assumed by having funds in the market this close to retirement. I assume you had this position based on either the need to reap a great end or you didn't realize you were that exposed.