I Flunked Math


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Below I've pasted the text from the daily account balance page:


Contributions to your account are being invested as follows:

G FUND 1% , F FUND 0% , C FUND 20% , S FUND 39% , I FUND 40%

Investment Fund Shares Share Price Balance Distribution

G FUND ...............................................................0.01%
F FUND...............................................................0.00%
C FUND .............................................................29.69%
S FUND .............................................................39.84%
I FUND ..............................................................30.46%

Total 100.00%


Why is there a difference in the percentages between the data across the top and the data stacked below? (Hey- remember- I'm not the crispestdollar in the wallet)


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Single_Tasker wrote:
Contributions to your account are being invested as follows:

G FUND 1% , F FUND 0% , C FUND 20% , S FUND 39% , I FUND 40%
This is the allocation for how money is going into your account. New money is split up as it says above.
Investment Fund Shares Share Price Balance Distribution

G FUND ...............................................................0.01%
F FUND...............................................................0.00%
C FUND .............................................................29.69%
S FUND .............................................................39.84%
I FUND ..............................................................30.46%

Total 100.00%
This is how your balance in your account looks right now. You must have moved your money at some point using an interfund transfer. The transfer likely didn't occur long ago because you have a small amount in the G fund which was put there according to your contribution allocation in the top block.

In review, Top is how money goes into your account, Bottom is how your account is divided today.