I have posted the updated file that allows you to easily import TSP fund-prices into Quicken. The file contains prices for all TSP funds from 2003-present. The complete howto/instructions and the file are located here Howto: TSP and Quicken. The down-and-dirty instructions are below.
Importing historical TSP prices into Quicken isn’t too hard. You can do it one of two ways. Enter prices manually (which would take forever). If you want to use the automated method, use instructions below. Note: If you use my TSP files to import data into Quicken, disregard steps 6-9. If you want to do the whole procedure yourself, follow all steps below.
Importing historical TSP prices into Quicken isn’t too hard. You can do it one of two ways. Enter prices manually (which would take forever). If you want to use the automated method, use instructions below. Note: If you use my TSP files to import data into Quicken, disregard steps 6-9. If you want to do the whole procedure yourself, follow all steps below.
- Go into Quicken and create a new investment. Here is the Howto from Quicken.com
- Click on “Investment Center” on left tool bar. This will show all your investment and accounts.
- Click on “Portfolio” on top tool-bar, if you aren’t already there.
- Find your account, and right click on it. Select “Edit Security.”
- Change the Symbol to something easy to remember, but it can’t conflict with an existing security name (i.e. any official ticker name). If you want to use my files below, use these fund names:
- C Fund = C-FUND
- F Fund = F-FUND
- G Fund = G-FUND
- I Fund = I-FUND
- S Fund = S-FUND
- L 2040 = L-2040
- L 2030 = L-2030
- L 2020 = L-2020
- L 2010 = L-2010
- Go to the TSP website. Go to “Share Prices.“
- Cut and paste the quarter’s worth of data into Excel.
- Open a new spreadsheet and put the fund-symbol you used in Step 5 in column A. In column B list the date. In column C, list the TSP price. If you open one of the files below, it will make more sense or at least give you an example. Make sure that the date (column B) is in the M/DD/YYYY format (right-click on column and choose correct format under “Format Cells.”).
- Save the file as a CVS (comma delimited).
- Import the file into Quicken under File-> Import -> Import Prices. Type the name of the file in and hit Ok. Note: "Import Prices" will only show up if you have clicked on "Investing Center" on the tool-bar on the left side of the screen.
- Done!